Sundays are for rest

-The one day I sleep in past 5
-The only exercise I do is a light stretch & 2 mile walk
-Social media fast

I see from “Alpha Males” on Money & Fitness Twitter to push nonstop with no off-days


(A Thread)
Sleep is one of the best ways to improve your life and performance

There isnt one sleep technique for everyone.

You need to find the schedule that refuels you

There are numerous layers to quality sleep I learned from @whoop founder @willahmed
Light, slow wave restorative sleep

- During slow wave sleep your body is producing 95% of Human Growth Hormone

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep

- REM is when you repair your mind
- You build cognitive function

More slow wave and REM sleep leads to a higher quality of life.
Inaccuracies about rest

- Get smarter when you study
- Get stronger in the gym

- ->You build tension and breaking down your muscles

- You get smarter during REM sleep
- You build back muscles during slow wave sleep
Greater quantities of higher quality sleep means the body can handle greater strain and stress

- When you get greater recovery & sleep you are able to take on more strain and train harder

- When you get less recovery & sleep you should take on less strain and train easier
BIGGEST mistake that people bulking up make is they dont get enough slow wave sleep.

- All the work you are doing in the gym is pointless if youre not getting enough slow wave sleep.

A typical usually does the same type & intensity of workout regardless of recovery.
- If you get greater recovery, you should push yourself harder than normal.

- If you are worn down your muscles need more time to recover and rest and maybe do nothing preventing overtraining.

- Most people will usually do something average on both of those days.
Sleep & recovery are more important to performance than performance itself.

You can only manage what you measure, so if you arent measuring your sleep you are ignorant to about 1/3 of your life.
Ways to improve your quality of sleep

- Stop eating 3 hours before bed
- Stop using all electronics 2 hours before bedtime
- Sleep in a colder bed
- Sleep in a darker bedroom
- Wake up at the same time
Thank you for sticking through this long thread

Time for me to get my rest for this week.

To learn how to better track your sleep & be better recovered check out the Whoop community

(Not an affiliate, just a great product I love) 
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