1-Today we shall continue our discussions on #Mantras, #Astrological #Remedis and #Upayas

Especially their #Roles and #Relations to the three classic Vedic #Disciplines - #Yoga, #Ayurveda and #VedicAstrology or #Jyotish.


2-On the face of it, one might feel that reciting a #Mantra is one of the easiest jobs…

After all you just have to pronounce some sounds!

Actually a #Mantra #Recitation can be rather difficult to do!


3-To really invoke the power of a #Mantra one has to keep repeating it

..with deep #motivation and #Focus for a considerable period of time.


4-Almost every #Mantra from the #Vedic Corpus

..requires repetitions to the tune of tens of thousands

..to even millions sometimes…

..before become fully effective and mature. (4/15)

5-The total awakening of the #Power of a #Mantra requires #Awakening its hidden #Shakti – which is the #Mantra’s core #Energy

For a #Sadhaka this can take years of practice, #Penance and #Discipline.. (5/15)

6- Yet, for some blessed individuals,

..blessed with the #Kripa or #Grace of their #Guru or #Deity – this can happen slightly quickly (6/15)

7-How does #Jytoish or #VedicAstrology use #Mantras?

#Jyotish recommends what they call #MantraYoga.

One needs to #Chant constantly

.. mentally repeat the #Mantra,

..couple it with some #Pranayaam and constantly #Meditate on it

@ijyotish @shashankupadhy_

8- #Rishis opine that if you really want to #Empower a #Mantra

..and make it work with and within you –

..you should ‘ #Feel’ it –

..to the depths of your every waking thought, your #Soul and every #Cell of your #Body (8/15)

@ijyotish @AnjynaSsharma

9-How do #Mantras connect to #Grahas or #Planets?

Like many others, trained and brought up on the paradigms of #Modern #Science,

..I too used to think, how can some sounds relate to distant material objects – far away in #Space? (9/15)

10-The #Vedic #Tradition believes that the #Grahas are not just material entities.

Every #Planet of the #SolarSystem projects subtle, powerful, cosmic forces,

..influencing and driving the events and lives of human beings

..at all levels (10/15)

11-Unlike Western #Astronomy

..which takes the Planets as just another sources of #Light,

.. #VedicAstrology says that they are powerful sources of mental and emotional energies @ijyotish. (11/15)

12-Planets are not dead.

They are the Lords and Masters of #Fate, #Karma and #Destiny

..that we must approach with #Reverence. (12/15)

13- #Jyotish posits that the #Mantras of different #Planets are actually their #Names

..which we can use as a #Bridge

..to connect to the #Inner #Being of these Planets (13/15)


14-The #Mantras for these #Grahas are not simply a bunch of auditory signals or sounds – to be repeated mechanically

…working with them requires deep respect and #Devotion for the #Divine #Forces

..the #Gods and the #Goddesses – who work through these Planets.

15-Tomorrow we shall talk about how a Mantra is initiated, energized and given by a #Guru

Meanwhile, @ijyotish @ModernVedic @shashankupadhy_ @AnjynaSsharma - please feel free to add to this string - as this is such a critical topic of #Astrology.


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