Mets shouldn't have said shit until after the game. Since when have they ever had any transparency to care about? The Mets wanted people to shit on YO for being a no show, and then it backfired because PEOPLE ARE DYING LEFT AND RIGHT in this country and
Missing players in the past have turned up tragically dead, and also their statement said he couldn't be reached which is pretty fucking ominous. Then the Mets realize "oh shit" and say "dont worry hes safe" but that then raises the question of why the fuck didn't they release a
Totally different initial statement (people have already done mock up versions that were INFINITELY better). Then-- on top of all of this, the Mets traded for an outfielder while allegedly not knowing Cespedes opted out?

Then the Cespedes opt out is announced hours before
BVW says he learned it (essentially the 9th inning). So... a Brodie wants us to believe that 2 guys on Twitter with sources KNEW BEFORE THE GM? A GM who also earlier in the day weirdly traded for an OF?

No. The Mets thought they could get fans to turn on Cespedes
Before news of his Opt Out broke because they know fans and media can be more angry at CES vanishing than opting out.

Also multiple folks say Cespedes floated his weighing opt-out last night which would explain his early leaving this morning. The Mets withholding info as usual
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