A few days ago, I had an interesting conversation with someone.

She is an atheist and a lesbian too. And we are friends(I don't judge).

She asked how I could believe there's God when I haven't seen him. She asked me to show her my God and she will believe.

My response...
I said, well you are wearing a mask to protect yourself from corona virus...so have you seen the virus? You believe the virus is in the air so you wear a mask, can you show me the virus? Where is it?

She was quiet.

Now listen to this....
You haven't seen corona virus yet you believe it existed. You even wear mask believing it stops you from getting it even though you've never seen it.

Yet you want to see God before you believe?

That's foolishness.
People talk about using a microscope to see virus. Well, microscope is a tool used in seeing things your natural eyes couldn't see...likewise, the Bible is a tool in seeing what your natural eyes couldn't see.

Look into it and then listen to your heart, you'll see God.

Try it!
Your life is changed and affected by the existence of a virus you haven't seen...well, peoples lives are changed and transformed by God everywhere.

Anyway, like the word of God said, "the fool have said in his hear there is no God".
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