I mean. Everyone is out, im not even joking everyone with no face masks absolutely no social distancing they've completely IGNORED the virus as if the vaccine is being given out already and holy shit if there's going to be a second wave
And the thing is people KNOW what should be done. They're educated and they are very aware of the consequences, if you can't get the virus you can transmit. If you're healthy and your immune system is able to withstand a virus, someone else isn't
They just choose to ignore what needs to be done, they don't care about themselves (ok fine ur problem) and they don't care about others too imagine how many people got the virus while AT HOME just because someone was careless enough to not take safety measures
AND THEY DIE BECAUSE OF IT. how do you go live with the idea that you could possibly kill a person with your carelessness and you don't care, what's even worse is that that person could be family, or if its a stranger, THEY TOO HAVE A FAMILY
Another thing, homeless and poor people literally don't have the luxury of buying alcohol, facemasks and shit, the least u can do is sit at home so it's over for them before people who HAVE NO CHOICE but to sit and pray that they won't contract the virus
Zero tolerance for people who are aware OF ALL THAT and still choose to go out and not be safe. I hope you guys genuinely die because someone out there probably lost a loved one because of your carelessness. Thank you for coming to my angry ted talk
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