Is it August?
For #Covid19 it's March.
Elsewhere track & trace work, local shutdowns & quarantines are audited, free hotels for anyone who can't isolate at home. EVERYONE tests

Not here.🔥 £150B, then #herdimmunity is back.

Science illiteracy
Political sociopathy.
A Thread
🔥£150B 2

You've got to be fooking joking me, I shouted at the radio as I heard about the #Covid_19 over 50s plan.

I promise in a few tweets I will tell you constructively how we get out of this mess, but to do that, I need you to know why we're in it.

A hint ⏬
🔥£150B 3

I'm laying out threads so I can give you scientific sources and references. We don't need more conspiracy.

You'll get a TLDR each time to save the read. For this⏬ one TLDR is:

Lie and blame if you want to. A virus doesn't care. It'll wait.
🔥£150B 4

Everyone's a virologist; I was one - AZT isomers. I contributed in a minuscule way to HIV treatment.

TLDR⏬? Be very careful of #SuperSpreaderSaturday. The guys who failed to act on warnings aren't reliable for "it's safe now." As we now see.
🔥£150B 5
Double count tests, exclude deaths, obscure local & global data comparisons?

A positive explanation = ?

TLDR The worst way to motivate teachers is to fail promises, blame them & plan to "use kids as viral taps"
Yes, public record and sourced.
🔥£150B 6
This has happened before in other places, I also fell for the "written constitution is an advantage" lie.

I'm not one who claims Nazis are in power.


TLDR Surely good people worry when they realise UKGov is making ALL the same mistakes?
🔥£150B 7

For scientists lying about data and results is "Chernobyl", people die. But it couldn't happen here...

Remember the awful Care Homes advice in March?

TLDR you're the new Minister for Care Homes discovering it was worse.
We knew in January.
🔥£150B 8
Solutions in 2–

#HerdImmunity why won't it work?

70 tweets on that⏬

Viruses mutate. This one mutates quickly. The more of us exposed the more quickly it mutates. In our history we have NEVER created natural immunity.
🔥£150B 9
#HerdImmunity is a desperate distracting response to failure

But they've done worse.

Care homes & delayed lockdown were bad

But they are symptoms of this⏬

You know that unlike others we let it in. Do you know that's 80-90% of all infections?
🌱1 Solutions.

It's actually not hard, not unprecedented and not difficult to manage. They took a bad situation and instead of solving it, made it profoundly worse by creating lies piled on lies.

Then Cummings' 60 mile eye test. He should have watched⏬
🌱2 Solutions

The answer to mass murder doesnt involve murderers still hiding evidence.We tried, more died

Their honourable out is Chamberlain - Gov stood down for a cross house rescue.

If they don't go, then we petition the Hague. They passed the Crimes Against Humanity test.
🌱3 Solutions

I've updated this thread a few times to show we've had solutions since April.

Everything is laid out below. We just follow Asia.

But I've always said that.

How do they say that?
They can't, so instead more die.
Truly, I hope they do the right thing and go.

They burned £150B to cover up an airport mistake that everyone told them not to make and 63,000 died who should be still with us.

So. A question,

If that isn't enough to stand down what would be?

Because they'll get there⏬
Post Script 1.

If they stand down then s Cross House Government of Renewal is a way forward.

But if not, I'm considering a crowd source so Human Rights Lawyers can draft a Hague Petition.

You could encourage me by retweeting this thread a few 1000 times & ⏬

Crowd Source?
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