If you want better skin here's what I recommend you do...
Step 1 - grab a copy of The Clear Skin Diet: https://amzn.to/3fnQnpm  - dermatologists that try to tell you diet and acne are not related don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Cliff's notes: the clear skin diet is based around whole foods and low sugar.
Step 2 - stop smoking if you do. Limit alcohol intake as well.
Step 3 - Get your rest - 7-8 hours a night. This is the best thing you can do for your general health and well being.
Step 4 - incorporate a diet rich in carotenoids - found in colorful vegetables. The more of these you consume in your diet, the healthier your skin will appear: https://www.ergo-log.com/carotenoids.html
Step 6 - stay hydrated. Drink enough water that your urine remains a pale yellow. You don't need gallons and gallons to do this.
Step 7 - use a good face oil. Noble Body is what I use: https://bit.ly/3kc0MZh  - there are no endocrine disruptors in this product. Stop using soap and other hard chemicals that strip away the good oil on your face.
Step 8 - chew. Modern humans have weak jaws and fleshier faces because we've moved to a soft, processed food diet. The more you chew the stronger the underlying musculature of your face will be.
Other than using the face oil these are simple LIFESTYLE changes you can make to keep your skin looking young and healthy as you age. Not very hard at all.
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