A few White cisgender scientists who were just 24 hours ago using a COVID-19 death of a "dear friend" to advance their personal position are walking it back now it seems the "friend" was a fake account that faked their COVID-19 death

This person's racism always secondary. THREAD
First, White cisgender scientists mostly talked about this death to centre themselves - what a heartbreak, they were so close. Second, they focused on COVID-19 being a risk to themselves. Nevermind that it's Black, other Latin, First Nations and other POC who are most affected
Lots of speculation that the faked account is run by a White woman who has a pattern of poor ethics and racism. She set up MeTooSTEM to profit, without linking to Tarana Burke, nor focusing on intersectionality. She served only White women. Still taking donations, by the way
She mistreated Black women who volunteered to reform her organisation. Not enough White scientists spoke up

She has a platform of 14.5K followers. 138 people who follow me follow her still. Her (self-interested) sexual harassment advocacy is more important than her racism
Sexual harassment survivors report she's hurt them & benefited from their anguish. People of colour say she's "dismissive of their concerns." Former Board members say she "promote[s] white supremacy."

Now she's made White people look foolish, everyone is on the hunt to reprimand
White people playing detective, trying to oust her didn't put this much energy to address public concerns voiced by people of colour over years

BTW your research skills need work: she's THE ONLY person on Twitter to say she's physically met the supposedly dead COVID-19 scientist
This is one of many examples where White people who've gained a platform for being "allies" show limited action

They speak up voraciously on sexual harassment & COVID-19 when it serves white interests. Want to be seen as "not racist" but do nothing meaningful

Please do better
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