How did you guys learn structure?

Found these coffee-stained scripts today when cleaning! I learned how to write TV scripts by writing specs. Before speccing a show, I would watch every episode 2-3 times, summarize them, then get three scripts and break them down like so:
Then, I'd try to write a spec that matched the show tonally and story-wise, but also structurally. It was total overkill, but I feel like I really get 1/2 hour structure now while I still struggle with 1-hr because I never specced them!
Okay, since some people are finding this helpful, here's an example of a slightly more sophisticated script breakdown from when I started doing them in Excel.
I looked at:
- number of scenes
- pages/minutes per scene
- scenes per act
- scenes per storyline (esp useful to see how writers collapse multiple storylines into one scene)
- actors per scene
- # of discrete locations in the script
- joke density (jokes/page)
- set pieces
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