People talking about the Uighurs in China as if the US isn't in the middle of months and months of protests about the systemic discrimination against, persecution and extrajudicial murder of a racial minority, one that we've been carrying on for over a century.
By ALL means protest the horrible abuses of human rights in China, just don't pretend we're not also world-class abusers of human rights ourselves.
If your argument is that *our* abuses of the human rights of millions of people are less bad then *their* abuses of the human rights of millions of people then I think you have already surrendered the argument.
And if your argument is that we're allowed to vote out our leaders I point you to decades upon decades of voter suppression, gerrymandering, oh, and our white supremacist leader who this week suggested maybe we shouldn't hold the election after all.
I believe the US has the capacity to be a great nation, I believe there's a chance we can use democracy to reform the horrible abuse we've built into our systems, I believe maybe we can get a better leader, but right now the US sense of moral superiority is not supportable.
The US does not have the moral superiority to criticize China for anything right now. We can still do it, but we can't pretend we're better than them when we do.
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