I'm......................quite certain that the edibles I just had after dinner are now kicking in, and it just HAD TO HAPPEN while I'm watching #BlackIsKing .
I should really throw this phone out the window so I don't fuck up while I'm high and start tweeting like Terry Crews.

I don't think I could live with that kind of fuckery on my conscience.
And now Disney Plus is suggesting that I watch the remake of THE LION KING.

Sorry, Disney Plus. I may be high, but I'm not THAT high.
I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I did NOT need to eat that many edibles. But...what good is living a life of regret?
Fuck you, Monday Eve. I can't even watch PERRY MASON on a Sunday night and see Matthew Rhys literally getting fucked out of his own bed without being reminded that tomorrow is the start of yet another 40-hour work week.

*knocks over random Funko Pop to express anger*
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