A thread of useful (?) stuff to know about anxiety, if you're feeling it now for the first time ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ from a gal with lots of practice:
Anxiety can be both a totally rational response to a situation (like the virus) and a feeling you have for no apparent reason (like when you're magically not thinking about the virus for a minute).

You don't always have to be anxious in your conscious mind to feel its effects.
Your body can do all kinds of stuff when you're anxious, and it might seem unrelated – which then feeds the anxiety. (Lots of anxiety is like this, an animal that feeds on itself.)

There are so many physical symptoms and it's helped me to know what they are (cont.)

- dizziness
- chest pain and tightness
- racing heart
- sweaty hands
- shortness of breath
- fatigue
- dry mouth
- insomnia


- heart palpitations
- muscle weakness
- nervous tics
Some of these obviously have crossover with Covid symptoms, so they're going to be doubly worrying. Cheers, anxiety!

Lots of these work together, too. You feel dizzy because you're panicking and not breathing properly. Your mouth is dry because you're hyperventilating. Etc.
And I guess I want to say something reassuring like … it can be really hard to tell the difference between anxiety and ‘real’ symptoms.

I’ve had anxiety for 30 years and I still end up in the ER sometimes because I think I’m dying.
For three weeks last month I felt like I had something stuck in my throat. I thought it was probably anxiety, but eventually it got too scary and I called my doctor. She said “it’s probably anxiety”, and the next day it was gone. Sometimes you need to be told 🙄
There are all kinds of other symptoms. If you’ve ever been in the mental health system, you know doctors will gladly attribute almost anything to anxiety.

Skin rashes, hair loss, muscle spasms, insomina, bugs on your skin, hot/cold patches, hyper-sensory stuff ...
When I’m really, really anxious, I get muscle weakness on one side of my body. The first time it happened, I was sure I was having a stroke. Nope!

Some research suggests Bell’s Palsy (temporary facial paralysis) is caused by stress and anxiety.
The point of this lengthy intro is – anxiety is extremely powerful.
What the fuck can you do about it!

LIFELINE 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Suicide callback service 1300 659 467
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

Beyond Blue Covid https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/ 
Kids Helpline https://kidshelpline.com.au/get-help/webchat-counselling
Lifeline https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/ 
It’s completely fine and EXCELLENT and you should feel BOLD and COURAGEOUS to call someone when you’re feeling anxious.

If you’re really in strife and feel like you might in danger, IT’S OK TO CALL 000.
There are lots of things you can try to help manage anxiety on the daily.

Breathing exercises sound deeply suspicious but they really do help.

The simplest one is to take slow, even breaths. Probably longer than you expect. This gif is a genuinely good way to ease anxiety.
Chest pain is a super common symptom and obviously one of the most distressing ones.

The most helpful thing doctors have ever told me is: if you can “touch” the pain, it’s not your heart.

(It still might be something else, but very unlikely you’re in cardiac arrest.)
On really tough days I end up with bruises across my chest because I’ve been trying to ‘touch the pain’ so much but what the fuck ever! Anxiety can put up with it!
Placebos are so good for anxiety! Like, in some ways the feelings themselves are a placebo (a psychosomatic response to a perceived threat) so you can try treating them the same way.

I have a friend who believes boiled sweets soothe her anxiety – so they do.
That means it’s possible to trick your brain with ‘calming’ candles, oil diffusers, essential oil blends, temple roll-ons, bach flowers, rescue remedy, etc etc etc.

Often, it actually just gives you something else to do, and distraction is the enemy of anxiety.
“Emotional freedom tapping” is another technique you can try. Ignore the name.

Basically, you put pressure on meridian points, similar to acupuncture, by tapping them.

Here’s a good overview: https://www.healthline.com/health/eft-tapping
Other stuff I do that takes my mind off it:

- repetitive video games (I’m on level 3459 of Homescapes)
- holding a cold towel to my face
- squeezing my fists
- watching cooking shows
- asking my kids to explain memes to me
Sometimes anxiety is really acute. Like you honestly, truly think your death is imminent, or you have overwhelming feelings of danger, or even just hardcore physical symptoms.

That might be a panic attack.

They’re really fucking scary, but I promise you’re going to be ok ❤️
Here’s a thread I wrote a couple of years ago about how to help someone when they’re having a panic attack.

It might help you while you’re having one, too. https://twitter.com/annaspargoryan/status/1018499115171213312

Maybe you do all of this and you still feel absolutely god-awful and like your brain is literally crawling from your skull.

Unfortunately wait times for mental health care are longer than normal at the moment, understandably. But!
Your GP should be able to help you with a referral and maybe interim medical care.

In Australia, ask for a mental health care plan.

There is medicine to help with acute anxiety symptoms. It’s tightly controlled in this country and your GP might be reluctant to prescribe it.
This is the Victorian government’s page about benzodiazepines (the family of drugs that includes valium and xanax) https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/HealthyLiving/tranquillisers. As you can see, they’re much more “you’ll die if you take this” instead of “this might give you temporary relief from debilitating illness.”
Classic government! You love to see it.

If you need medicine to help with your anxiety symptoms, your doctor should not shame you out of it.

If you want me to write them a letter advocating for you, I will.
If you’re feeling anxiety right now, and you normally don’t, please know I’m with you inside your phone.

(Also panicking, but after years of therapy I can recognise it and help others. Like fitting my own oxygen mask first, or something.)
On mental health care plans:

The 10 extra MHCP sessions kick in on Friday.

If you’ve already used your current 10 sessions, you’ll need to do another review with your GP.

To further clarify (thanks @purple_cath) these extra sessions are currently for Victorians only. They’re valid until March next year, so if you haven’t used all your sessions yet, you can add them on later in the year.
My favourite thing about anxiety is writing this thread and then spending the whole day apologising for who I am as a person
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