The denizens of 4chan's /pol/ continue to encourage the creation of fake Twitter accounts using GAN-generated face pics from thispersondoesnotexist(dot)com, so we rounded up a dozen more possible examples. #ASeriesOfUn4chanateEvents

cc: @ZellaQuixote
We downloaded recent replies containing various racial terms (some of them derogatory, which is why they're not listed in the graph title), and checked the accounts with 2020 creation dates for GAN-generated profile pics.
We found twelve accounts with 2020 creation dates and GAN-generated facial features that look like possible 4chan troll accounts based on their selection of content and narratives.
As is the case with all unmodified images generated by thispersondoesnotexist(dot)com, the major facial features (eyes, nose, mouth) are in the same location on each account's profile pic, regardless of apparent "camera angle".
These twelve potential 4chan socks with GAN-generated face PICs mostly retweet and reply to prominent right-wing accounts such as @MrAndyNgo, @CassandraRules, @JackPosobiec, and @Timcast. Several also troll @AOC.
Let's take a brief look at each account. First up is @DSteinmen, a self-styled "Genetic Holocaust Survivor" that simultaneously claims to be Jewish while talking about "Jewish privilege" and insinuating that a Jewish conspiracy controls the world. It's no fan of Islam, either.
Next we have @QuinnSagan, an account with a GAN-generated face and a recent fixation on the Portland protests. According to @QuinnSagan, #BLM is violent, DHS actions in Portland are totally normal, and right-wing demonstrators definitely haven't been waving swastika flags.
All of these accounts have racist tweets, but if you're looking for a specific focus on white supremacy, @bannedboomer and @HankGamer4u have got you covered. Also include: gleefully flipping off babies and endorsing of the murder of a BLM protester.
Anti-trans content is another recurring theme of the suspected 4chan troll accounts with GAN-generated faces, and @Alex77761590 is a shining example.
Some of these accounts combine multiple themes, such as @Christi04815560 and @Hyper_D0lphin, both of which mix anti-trans and anti-BLM content. Anti-Semitism, Soros conspiracy theories, and the desire to "kill the commies" also turn up.
Over in the UK (hypothetically, anyway - in practice we have no idea where these accounts are operated from), @DavieJonessz is pushing similar messaging, with tweets attacking trans people, Chinese people, and Jews.
Next up, we have supposed climate activist @ClimateWarrior7, which spends more of its time engaging in bigotry via irony than actually saying anything meaningful about climate change.
Moving on, meet @Toddismynam, which mostly tweets about gaming, but has some interesting tweets, including a meme full of racial stereotypes and a reply about impending cultural replacement. Also, its AI-generated profile pic has some hilarious glitches. #YouHadOneJob
Anti-BLM accounts are already a dime a dozen in this thread, but @wouldn_2 adds in the additional narrative that Black lives only matter to Democrats when there's an election. Also, it's fond of the phrase "it's OK to be white".
Closing out our dirty dozen of likely 4chan troll accounts that use GAN-generated face pics, we have bilingual account @bervonrechts, which peddles its unique blend of racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism in both English and German.
Permanent IDs of the accounts featured in this thread, in case they rename themselves:

1230620884194471936 QuinnSagan
1230626647243677696 bannedboomer
1233312406207651840 Christi04815560
1245738793451339778 Alex77761590
1247050305273028609 ClimateWarrior7

1247253185946955776 wouldn_2
1261010965904134148 bervonrechts
1277205807734628352 DavieJonessz
1278903997211054080 Hyper_D0lphin
1280557425985302529 Toddismynam
1282433593667497984 DSteinmen
1287429432286810117 HankGamer4u
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