thread on the bs i’ve dealt w/ at my job let’s hope they don’t find my twitter lmaoo
i got my job at the height of covid & most grocery stores at the time were doing mass hires. they basically threw us wherever they needed, and we had little/no actual training. it was also really scary bc things were still so uncertain
i basically taught myself everything i know at my job. so that was annoying. being around hundreds of people everyday was stressful enough but the people in charge were little/no help.
masks really weren’t enforced for everyone until now so just about everyday i deal with a customer getting way too close/taking their mask off... i’ve had some literally follow me back into the stockroom like y’all are actually deranged.
one of my coworkers was cussed out by a customer who she kindly asked to keep his distance & she was completely humiliated after... but the first instinct of my manager was to ask her if she did something to deserve it
anyways i guess i was first muslim worker they’ve had to ask for accommodations to pray at work. and let me tell y’all this was the most aggravating process ever. i had to explain to so many people that i could be praying up to 3 prayers during a shift
which for some reason they were super shocked about but whatever. so they gave me this little office upstairs to pray in which was nice but i guess the room itself was really off-limits since it belonged to the regional manager or something—
one of my friends got hired in who was also muslim so we would go up there and pray together & break our fast. but they started to get skeptical of us “misusing our privileges” of praying in the office... so they literally watched us and monitored us whenever we went up there
mind you i didn’t know they were doing this until i was pulled into an office and screamed at by someone (who didn’t even work with me) for keeping a bag in the room. and i was told i was being watched like wtf is wrong with y’all 💀 they lucky i didn’t go to hr for that one
there was a period of time when they were cutting hours and they ended up firing my friend over some complete bogus... meanwhile there’s workers who have been investigated for sexual harassment who still walk the store comfortably. interesting stuff really.
i’ve been harassed and asked the most inappropriate, insensitive questions by gross men who i work with who are damn near twice my age. i’ve had my personal space and my privacy violated too many times to count
when news broke out that one of the workers ended up getting covid, me and two other ppl got pulled into a room after our screening & we were explained the situation w/ so little detail and actual sympathy, they basically they told us to keep sanitizing and social distancing
they basically told us we aren’t at risk unless we worked w/ them directly. to me that made zero sense bc if they came into the store then we’re all at risk still. covid is so easily spread and can survive on hard surfaces for so long...
i remember one of the women that got pulled into the room w/ me started crying... through tears she explained how terrified she was to come home to her two kids every night, out of fear of getting them sick. but she can’t afford to stop working—
she went on to point out how little respect there is for the precautions amongst the customers & even the employees themselves. wiping down ur workspace every 20 mins isn’t going to do anything when customers are constantly taking off their masks, breathing and touching all over
the lack of concern between the customers and ppl in charge is actually sickening. i could go on for days about how shitty my work environment is but if you get one thing out of this thread just please be kind to ur grocery store workers. we’re busting our asses to keep y’all fed
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