So here we go, at last. After months of foggy optimism, Australia has been forced to acknowledge that the virus is in the community, largely asymptomatic and therefore impossible to properly control. 1/
Until we have a vaccine (and let's not forget, there are a cluster of assumptions around the efficiency of vaccines), we will struggle with the same dilemma that Victoria is dealing with - how, when, and what to lock down, at what price to the economy? 2/
There is no sane and humane way out of this dilemma. Self-styled libertarians will continue to pollute our collective subconscious with "tough love" opinionating, placing the economy first. They fail to grasp that an exponential pandemic poses an even greater threat... 3/ the economy than targeted lockdowns, since it lead to chaos and dysfunction in hospitals and other crisis response centres, spilling onto the streets. We'd lose all control of the situation, which is hardly a scenario for economic well-being (heads up, Donald Trump). 4/
Making it through the next 12 to 18 months will be difficult for many of us. Physical hental is paramount; mental health is also a primary concern. We are not used to coping with radical uncertainty - that's the thing. Capitalism is fueled by optimism for the future... 5/
...but unless we can reasonably project positive outcomes, we have no grounds for optimism, aka rational hope. Many are watching the future die before their eyes. Meaning dies with it. All in all, it's a gloomy situation. Economic stimulus will stop the wheels falling off... 6/
...the cart, but this doesn't necessarily sustain a future for workers, business owners and entrepreneurs, since whole industries are atrophying at the moment, and many people are actually in the position of Wiley Coyote, running fast, but already off the cliff. 7/
So what is to be done? First up, take care of yourself. Stay healthy, stay safe. You may feel like a lonely piece of nothing but you are the centre of circles of concern. Own that responsibility. If you're someone else's rock, be there for them. They/we need you. 8/
Three things are vital for people dealing with uncertainty: resilience, agility, and vision. We must cultivate all three. Resilience without agility = inflexibility. Agility without vision is a fast path to burnout. Cultivate resilience and agility and visioning gets easier. 9/
But let's not think we can simply make a few changes to our personal outlook and ride this thing to the new normal. That's not happening. The operating system of society is broken. Yesterday's frameworks no longer apply. Our political masters are stumped by uncertainty too. 10/
Plan A for reopening the economy has failed. There is currently no Plan B. Meanwhile the foundations of the economy grow weaker by the day. With no obvious path back to economic wellbeing, we are sliding into an awesome economic hole. 11/
There's zero time left for prevarication. We need to start developing a BIG vision for the future of Australia that looks nothing like the past. 12/
Step 1: Socialise wealth. This is not about sticking it to the billionaires - it's about saving Australian society. The high growth, 'trickle down' model was not devised for the Long Emergency. Our true wealth lies in the productive and creative energies of the populace. 13/
Step 2. Harnessing goodwill, consolidate national unity by engaging the whole country in devising a plan for 2050. I'm talking town halls, rolling referendums - direct democracy. We have 30 years to create a nation that will make our ancestors proud. Go. 14/
Step 3. Reboot education. Every generation has its mindset seeded and framed by an education system designed for the industrial era. To reboot Australia, we need to reboot education, with a focus on collaborative problem-solving combining science, arts and entrepreneurship. 15/
Step 4. Decarbonise. It's criminal that one should have to make a case for this in 2020. @beyondzeronews has published a Million Jobs Plan It should be the basis of all our thinking going forward. 16/
Step 5. Be mad as hell. I am done with letting Aussie leaders drive us off a cliff as our environment burns, inequality increases and social problems intensify. This ends now. The pandemic demands a social and economic reboot. WE HAVE NO OTHER OPTION. 17/17
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