a thread on the spn cast (leads) and all the problematic things they have done
reminder that you can separate the actor from the character. you can continue to stan dean, cas, and sam and not stan jensen, misha, and jared
tw for...

racism, homophobia, suicide, bodyshaming
before i start this i want to say some of the things i list are years old, but that doesnt excuse what was said/done.
ALSO! we constantly call jared out because the things he does are more recent than jensen and mishas, but that still doesnt excuse any of them
starting with @jarpad : first we start off with the classic. he believes in reverse racism. no he did not apologize for this, he apologized to sunny for calling her an idiot
if you dont know why reverse racism is racist, it diminishes all the things that POC go through
here we have jared implying “all lives matter”
doing a “ghetto” accent
another accent....
jared gave a link on how to not be racist, not a donation/petition masterlist https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1BRlF2_zhNe86SGgHa6-VlBO-QgirITwCTugSfKie5Fs/mobilebasic
his 8 page essay where he mainly talked about himself. not to mention he said that sharing/rting things doesnt help
tw // suicide

this was posted after an actor/producer passed away.... hes disgusting
tw // bodyshaming

do i even need to explain this one?
tw // mental illness

heres jared making fun of illness 😒
jared and his makeup artist wearing a dread and afro wig
tw // doxxing

here is jared ruining and putting peoples lives at risk. if you have a problem go to the hotel customer service and dont complain to your 2 million followers who kiss your ass
tw // doxxing

some more doxxing + jared being immature with american airlines + a fans response
tw // misgendering

this is straight up embarrassing, pathetic, and immature.
yes, john elvis is also a piece of shit but i felt this needed to be added. he got arrested for assaulting two people.... AND he joked about it at a con... disgusting
thats it for jared. now lets move onto jensen
+ please tell me if i got any info wrong/need to add some. im also sorry i forgot to add more tws at the very top😿
tw // suicide

i made a mistake. i thought he overdosed as suicide but it was a drug overdose. my mistake https://twitter.com/deansdyke/status/1290042086004158464?s=21 https://twitter.com/deansdyke/status/1290042086004158464
im sorry!! i was told that jared was mocking the language. if that offended anyone im very very sorry, it wasnt my intention.
now we are taking about @JensenAckles :

tw // racism

here he is mocking an offensive asian stereotype..... this was 2016 at sherwood forest renaissance in austin tx
tw // islamphobia

jensen making an islamphobic “joke”
tw // homophobia

i cannot find the video proof (i was sent proof before but i cant find it) but a fan asked something and it went along the lines of this

fan: would you ever be in a cowboy movie?

jensen: i wanted to but brokeback mountain changed my mind about wanting to.
tw // sexual assault

this is both @JensenAckles and @jarpad. i have no words for this. its sickening
this is his wife acting like this.... theres no way he doesnt think like her as well https://twitter.com/aazulas/status/1267301988271677443?s=21 https://twitter.com/aazulas/status/1267301988271677443
jensen liking jdms blue lives matter post
jensen wearing a vet shirt....
thats all for jensen
tw // racism

now we have @mishacollins : not sure if they were asked to do this or they did it on their own but either way... dont do it no matter what... @jumblejim shame on you as well
tw // murder massacres islamophobia

yall say “stan misha collins” as if he doesnt have tons of offensive tweets
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