thread on why @/G_C__Giveaways_ is fake so people don’t keep getting scammed :)
First off they stole my picture of my stickers and Louis bracelets and said it was theirs and then proceeded to say I was lying when I called them out- and THEN said that they were the only legit giveaway account.
They then proceeded to send people photoshopped proof (the M for medium isn’t supposed to be that dark) and they sent this exact picture to multiple people. The shipping is the same on all of them even though it should usually always be different.
ALSO they are supposedly giving away merch that is sold out. Please tell me how they are ordering merch that is sold out.
They also say that they spend hundreds if not over a THOUSAND dollars on merch each day which I’m sorry but there is no way.
And continuing, when they show people that have “received” merch the person that “received” it ALWAYS uses the same grammar and same emojis. They’ve only shown like 2 people, but that’s extremely suspicious.
Many people have also said that they never receive the merch that is said to be ordered.
she also doesn’t ask for postal codes (which are needed) and magicially ships things directly to places that the merch can’t even be shipped to.
someone just dmed me this- proving that her proof is fake and she doesn’t even have the amount of information needed. plus if it was really going straight to her they wouldn’t of needed to cross out the place because it should’ve been the persons address so it wouldnt of mattered
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