im probably gonna regret making this post but,

What happened to hiphophero1996?

he used to be a great roleplayed back then, unique events, really interesing roleplays.

nowadays is just marie plushies and cuddling, I mean, I dont hate him but at this point....(1/?)
I use parappa ooc to people to see whats hes doing, I feel bad for @/Storms2001 for being pinged and forced to rp with him, I i dont roleplay on the discord server anymore by the excessive pinging also, i think he tried manipulating @/ParappaOOC by dming this to us (2/?)
But really though, this is the kind of roleplays he does, its bad, Its very weird and almost nsfw, theres a lot of these on @/ParappaOOC.

I expect better from him (3/?)
Heres more of his rping (images by my alt @/parappaooc)

also, stormy and parappa are MINORS. he haves an NSFW channel on his discord channel which is full of MINORS. Dont forget the @/ing and pinging. I really hope he becomes a better person. (4/?)
You may say, "ItS ONlY ROlePlaYing"

Look, its fine but he acts the same out of roleplay and in roleplay, at this point I think he roleplays these things for SatiSfACtiON. (5/?)
I recommend you this video, @/ParappaPTR made it, its mostly a meme but its something. (6/?)
He doesnt even roleplay in the twitter chat because he doesnt find any of these stuff there.

Also, I really feel bad for making this thread, I have to speak up, I hope he improves as a person,


Its not really of my business, but really someone haves to speak up on this.
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