This is something that continues to frustrate me in our Education system. As we talk about "full inclusion" with no engagement with those impacted, we continue to use the terminology of Special Classes, schools, Special Education Teachers&Special needs assistants

Some will say what should we replace them with?

Straight answer: I don't know . But I do know how we could decide.

Start a proper engagement process which has the people the terms are referring to at its centre.

Talk to people we're designating as "special", lots of them

Don't have a group of neurotypical and able bodied people sit around a table, decide how people should be labelled, and impose it on them.

Talk to adults who went through our system about their thoughts on it. Talk to their advocacy groups. Talk to the kids& teens

Really, truly engage.

If consensus is they're happy with the terminology, job done. If not, work with them to come up with more appropriate language and terminology

Then ensure its implemented and followed through on.

I've had NCSE staff, PDST staff and inspectors ask me questions or make comments about our "unit". We didn't have a unit, we had a class. One of many classes in the school.

So model it, and support it being used widely

Inclusion and acceptance start with language and are proven by actions. Labeling a child as "special", saying they're in a "unit" or saying they have a "disorder" in a school setting from the age of 4/5 can have incredibly damaging consequences.

Let's do better

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