Libs don’t want a woman leader, they want a little girl leader. This is so pathological lmao
Listen, I was this girl, and it wasn’t because I didn’t give a damn what anyone thought. It was because I was DESPERATE for someone to like me (teachers) or be impressed by me (peers). It was not confidence, it was deep insecurity and lack of sense of self.
And I am not trying to brag, it is very easy to be this kid in Indiana public school. It has way more to do with trying to please adults than “intelligence” or anything that makes a good leader.
In high school I still somehow thought boys would be impressed by good grades (??). All I knew was performing. The grown up version of that kid, if she doesn’t figure out therapy and recreational drugs, has no ideas or convictions of her own.
You can like school without being desperate for approval. Some of us liked school because it was the only environment where anyone praised us. That’s not wrong, but neither is it healthy or aspirational.
But beyond all of that, why do so many liberals have an obsession with what kind of little girl an adult politician was? What could possibly matter less? It’s such a baby brained idea of personhood, that you’re a direct line from who you were as a kid.
Same horse shit idea of “a president I could have a beer with.” My dude I literally don’t care if my president is rude or did poorly in school a thousand years ago, I just want health care and demilitarization. This isn’t hard
I know other people have said this better than I am. But please. Let go of your idea that a “smart little girl” will have to be feminist because she fought patriarchy to... excel in a school system designed primarily to condition children to sit quietly for eight hours a day?
Don’t vote for the girl who got As, vote for the girl who burned the school down. The end
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