Stimming is why.
Human beings tend to need a certain amount of sensory input to feel fine in their environment and body.
For most people, it is equivalent to the imput created by their environment.
But in certain contexte (ie boredom) we can look for more sensory inputs to feel content.
Beside that, number of disabled people have sensory disorders, wich implies different needs for sensory imputs, wich leads to more self regulation, called stimming.
For example : touching stuff, filling squares on paper, taping you leg on the ground... And yes, that's why autistic people rock back and forth !
Disbalities with sensory disorders include : autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, EDS, and probably others I don't know about. Deaf and blind people can also experience sensory deprivation and still !
Having those types of behaviour does not necessarily means you're disabled, everyone does them to a certain extent, but they're very common in your functioning and/or they're not the only thing you feel is weird about you, or you have other various difficulties, it can be a sign.
If you're confused, you can check this thread !
Also (french video with English captions)
- Sensory disorders :
- Stimming :
- How to stim :
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