How to argue with Nationalists (A MEGATHREAD): Nationalism is based on deflection: It's always someone else's fault (England/Westminster/The Toaries/Red Tories etc). To fight effectively, never let them get away with deflections and always question their core ideology.
1. Always paint Nationalism as ugly or toxic, or both. If you can, add incompetent, immature and tired.
2. If they call you a British Nationalist or BritNat (their favourite slur): 'Glad you don't like Nationalism too. Why do you think your Nationalism is acceptable?’ Then they'll try to claim their Nationalism is civic and joyous...
3. It's Civic and Joyous: ‘Nationalists throughout history have always claimed they are civic and progressive to distract from their core bigotry. Have you let Nationalism distract you from its core ugliness?’
4. If they call Tories or Labour supporters British Nationalists: ‘None of those parties are Nationalist, meanwhile you, an actual Scottish Nationalist, are saying that Nationalism is bad. If it’s so bad, why do you support that ugly ideology here in Scotland?’
5. If they call you a Yoon or Unionist: ‘I'm not a Unionist. I'm an anti-Nationalist. Why do you support the ugly ideology of Nationalism? Why do you think it's appropriate for modern Scotland?’
6. If they continue to say you’re a Unionist: ‘Even if there was no Union, I’d still be against ugly Nationalism.’
7. If they call you a Tory/Red Tory: ‘I would stand alongside anyone, even the Tories/Labour, to defeat the ugly Nationalism that has caused division in Scotland. Why wouldn't you? Unless, of course, you accept it as the price of your immature dreams?’
8. If they say they want Scottish people to control their own destiny; 'We did in 2014. What is it about Nationalism that makes you treat Scots who don't agree with you as inferiors? Is your vote worth more than theirs?’
9. If they continue: ‘What is it about Nationalism that makes you not accept the democratic result? Could it be that it doesn’t tolerate dissenting opinion?’
10. If they claim ‘other small countries survive’: ‘You don’t have a crystal ball. What is it about Nationalism that makes you dismiss the very real risks of Separation?’
11: If they talk about fairness: ‘Is your immature dream really worth mass austerity? What is it about Nationalism that makes you want to hurt the poorest in our society?’
12. If they moan about going back to Europe: ‘So you'd rather debase yourself with ugly Nationalism than accept the result of the largest democratic vote in UK history? What is it about Nationalism that makes you so anti-democratic?’
13. If they keep going on about Europe: ‘Nationalism isn't international (the clue is in the name). How can you claim to be international when all you want to do is get away from England?’
14. If they call you a Traitor: ‘Why does Nationalism make you want to divide Scottish people into patriots and traitors? Can’t you see how ugly that is?’
15. For ex-Labour supporters: ‘Sorry, but you simply can't be a Socialist and a Nationalist. Who fooled you into thinking you could be both? And anyway, do you know what National Socialism means? Do you think that’s the way Scotland should be going?’
16: For socialists: ‘Socialism is about equality and internationalism, the opposite of Nationalism. Socialists have always fought against the fake socialism of Nationalists. So, who fooled you into supporting Nationalism?’
17: For the woke: ‘How can you be for tolerance and equality for gays/trans/BLM when your party supports epic bigotry against the English?’
18. If they deny GERS or other stats: ‘What is it about Nationalism that makes you deny the Scottish government's own figures? Is it the superiority complex, or the inferiority complex?’
19. If they praise Nicola: ‘If you praised any other politician in this way you’d rightly be seen as a fool. What is it about Nationalism that makes you engage in cult-like behavior?’
20. If they deflect to 'England is worse': ‘We're here in Scotland, where Nationalists have had 13 years of power and our services have gone down the toilet. Why does Nationalism make you want to talk about England instead of that?’
21. Always call it ‘Separation’, never ‘Independence’. Or if you can't avoid it, write it in quotes as 'independence'.
22. Bonus points for mentioning the party was founded by Nazi sympathisers: ‘Why would you support a party whose founders actively collaborated with the Nazis?’
23. Never let them distance themselves from AOUB or Border Nutters: ‘You support a Nationalist party and Nationalist politicians who have spent their entire lives promoting grievance. You don't get to distance yourself from it now. Why won't you own it?’
Have fun. If fighting is a chore then take a break.
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