For some reason there seem to be people who don't think Sun's character was retconned in Before the Dawn. For those people, this thread is for you.

Sun at the start of V6 ALREADY acknowledged that he was a bad leader, and was going to do things differently. #RWBY
Yet the book seems to forget all of this, and makes him full of pride, completely oblivious to the issues of him and his team. It's only around the mid and end of the book when he learns the lesson he *already* knew previously.
Book Sun is spur of the moment & apparently doesn't think, yet in v1 HE'S the one to tell Blake not to jump in head first to fight Torchwick. Hell in V3 he's the one trying to get the others to listen to reason & not rush into danger. He even calls R&W idiots for not pulling out.
I don't know what Myers has against Sun, but I know the way he wrote him in the book is completely disingenuous to his character. Don't even get me started on every character in the book shitting on him even in the most inopportune times. If I did that we'd be here forever.
There are *many* more instances like this in the book that are completely contradictory to the show. Don't be surprised if I add more to this thread later on.

I'm not excited for the Fairy Tales book written by Myers. He doesn't even know the characters he's writing for. 🤦‍♂️☠️
Next one is about Neptune.. and holy shit that is a whole different bag of worms. Myers arguably hates Neptune more than Sun. ☠️
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