A #MedEd Thread for #pulm #criticalcare #applicants. How do you pick a program? What questions do you ask in a fellowship #interview? Here are some ways programs differ and tagged @IUPCCM experts to answer any questions you may have! #MedTwitter
#PAH: Does Pulm house pulmonary hypertension and manage vasodilator therapy? Or is this managed by a different department? Are there opportunities to learn this if so? @TimLahm @RFPMachado
#IP: Do you have experts performing advanced #bronchoscopy such as #navigational? Does Pulm place stents, valves? Is there #EBUS volume for general fellows to become proficient? How much of this is done by other departments such as Thoracics or ENT? @ChrisKniese
#ECMO: are pulmonary intensivists co-managing circuits with CV? How many #transplants does the center perform annually? @jcsalgadoc @NikkiAckerSmith
#ICU: Do you see patients post-critical illness? Is there expertise in post-ICU care? Are fellows exposed to a variety of ICU care including Neuro, Cardiovascular in addition to Resp CCM? @DeliriumKhan @SKhanIU
#cysticfibrosis: Is your CF care following the care center model set by @TheCFFoundation? Is Adult CF well transitioned to adult pulmonologists? Is the center involved in clinical trials? @erinmcrowley
#ILD: is your ILD team involved in clinical trials? Are you a PFF care center? Do you have designated ILD experts? @ryanboente @LauraHinkle18
#MedEd: Do you have faculty in hospital leadership? Do you have faculty actively involved with @ATSMedEd and @accpchest who will lift and support your educational projects? @GrahamCarlos @gbosslet
#POCUS: Do you have a formal way to incorporate and learn new technology? How is POCUS and radiology taught? @zfulkerson2
#Research: Do you have a specific research track with allotted time for projects? Do you have a #T32 track?
#Individualization: What are my options to use my time in fellowship to mold my training to match the career I’m interested in? How much time is available outside of core services?
#Leadership: Ask the fellows: In the middle of a pandemic, do you trust your leadership with your life? Literally? I know we do. @gbosslet @ryanboente @LauraHinkle18
These are a few ways programs can differ. Not every program needs to have everything under the 🌞 to be the right program for you but it shouldn’t be missing core options you’d like in your career. What good questions have I missed? @PagingDoctorB @AkshayVijayara1 @emily_fri
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