The Democrats would rather humanity be doomed and earth become an unlivable husk than come together and be useful in a real way for even a minute
This is not hypoerbole. We couldn't even get them to agree that the non-binding goals of the green new deal were good.

They don't want to save the world, they just want to be the last ones in charge.
As a pandemic rages on we can't even get the nominee to say that schools shouldn't be opening.

As people lose their jobs in record amounts and uninsured numbers skyrocket, we can't get the Democrats to agree to even a non-binding resolution to make sure people have healthcare
We are facing the greatest eviction crisis in living memory and Chuck Schumer is on camera talking about tiktok
I cannot begin to express how much I fucking hate these people.
A generous interpretation of their actions is that they're the most inept motherfuckers in human history.

The world is burning, people are dying. Evicted families take to streets lined with vacant homes - and yet the Dems can't even figure out what help would even look like.
But I don't think that's true.

It's hard for me to shake the feeling of malice behind their inaction.
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