A question for ADHDers who take meds:

How would you describe how your meds help you?


How did you think/ want the meds to help you? Now and when you first started taking it.

#askadhd #adhd
I've gotten super curious on how we perceive our meds.

When we have a headache, we take painkillers. We know what we want it to do.. to stop the headache.

But what about ADHD meds? Our symptoms are complex. How exactly do we want it to help?
Taking meds doesnt cure our ADHD. It doesn't make us neurotypical.

So what do we believe meds can do? How do we believe it helps us?

Its fascinating cause our perception of the meds can totally change how we use it.

The mind is capable of a lot afterall (eg, placebo effect).
(PS, I'm not saying the meds are just a placebo.

I take them myself and my life would be significantly harder without them.

I'm just wondering how perception affects its effect, especially as not everyone is super science savvy)
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