Hey I know that disabled people get told to "try yoga" a lot when we need actual medical attention, and it's really frustrating

But also...yoga is a spiritual practice that involves more than just sun salutations, maybe we should use a different example we get lots of bad advice
The cycle seems to be white capitalists appropriate a traditional practice from POC, and then remove it from its cultural context and sell it as some kind of "miracle cure"

This is colonial, white supremacist violence
Then when the appropriated miracle cure gets enough visibility in the public, abled people start recommending it to every disabled person they know instead of just letting us vent sometimes or asking what we need

This is ableist and exhausting
But if disabled people then turn around and use the [culturally appropriated practice] as shorthand for this entire issue, we're not actually naming the real problems: white supremacy, capitalism, ableism

And also it's just more colonial violence
And I would imagine that the use of POC's cultural practices as a stand-in for ableist microaggressions just exacerbates the problem with #DisabilityTooWhite
I've been seeing this lately with turmeric, which is used in Ayurvedic medicine and also Britain colonized India in part because we wanted spices like turmeric but didn't want to just...pay for them

And yeah the have you tried stuff is annoying, but 😬
Personally I'm a fan of "have you tried just not being disabled" or "have you tried this miracle cure I saw on the news" are potential front-runners for a replacement shorthand for this common ableist microaggression, but I'm happy to hear alternatives (particularly from POC)
Although "have you tried CBT" is...tempting, especially considering the PACE trial, but I know it does help some people but I suppose that is true of all of these
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