Why Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is one of the best star wars films

A thread

The cinematography in rogue is arguably the best out of any Star Wars film, some of the shots that are used are incredible and really shows the beauty of Star Wars at it's best

We were introduced to some awesome characters in the film such as Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso, Orson Krennic, and Galen Erso. With the Cassian series also happening in future tells you that he has a lot of potential and could become a popular character in Star Wars

The story of Rogue One is perfect in my opinion. The plans for the Death Star, the Battle on Scarif, seeing how Jyn Erso joined the resistance and fought against the empire. It shows what you don't see in the other Star Wars films which makes it an awesome spin off
Bringing in old characters

Getting to see Characters like Darth Vader and Wilhuff Tarkin in cinema once again was a special moment for the star wars community. Towards the end of the film Vader fights the rebels with all his anger and hatred which ends of an amazing film
End of thread! Feedback is appreciated :)
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