Thoughts after listening to a NPR/APM (didn't catch the show title) program on civilian oversight of the police.

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We have an absolute expectation of civilian leadership of the military; however, we essentially have no parallel system for police departments. Having a retired general be the defense secretary took an act of Congress. We don't bat at career police officers as police chiefs.
If we wanted a similar system to civilian oversight of the military, we would have to build a DOD like public safety bureaucracy with actual independence and oversight powers over police departments. And we would have to put structures in place to keep it independent.
I'm not talking civilian oversight boards. I am talking fully operational department-level structures with real budgets and real powers. That kind of organization building is tough and it may be even tougher to keep it from being captured.
Not impossible, but it would require real intentionality, commitment, and dedication of resources from elected officials and taxpayers. I'm not sure local elected officials are prepared for that kind of sustained effort.

I wish I was more optimistic.

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