I’ll try this, but I’m gonna minimize some answers down to 1 instead of lists haha also not gonna touch archie cuz I don’t know anything about it.
1. Favorite Male Character

Knuckles is The Favorite. Runner-up is Sonic.
2. Favorite Female Character

I think I gotta go with Rouge. She's just a solid character.
3. Least Favorite Male Character

(Note: I don't actually hate this character.)
Storm. He's kinda... boring? He comes off as a one-dimensional lackey and that's kinda sad.
I think it's okay to have this character type in the series, he's just personally not my type of character haha
4. Least Favorite Female Character

(Note: I don't actually hate this character)
Vanilla. She's Cream's mom. She isn't anything else to me so she's on my mind very little.
5. Favorite Sonic Game

I wanna stress this is in regards to the characterization across ALL characters since the story is nothing to write home about and gameplay since I'm one of the few who have "mastered" its broken mechanics...

Sonic Heroes.
6. Favorite Sonic Music

This one changes frequently. As of late, I've been listening to the Rhythm and Balance Remix a lot. A LOT.

Humor me and skip to 1:12. The transition into that guitar that then overlaps with the beat that gradually builds back up is just so tasty.
7. Least Favorite Sonic Game

Sonic and the Secret Rings. I'm sorry, SatSR, your story was okay, but Sonic shouldn't be automated unless it's a mobile or perhaps a rhythm game. The motion controls made you worse. My love for Sonic couldn't even push through to finish you.
I had a bad experience with SatSR. I could probably replay it on like,, Dolphin and tolerate it but damn,, the Wii version took a couple years off my life.
8. Least Favorite Sonic Music

I'm gonna have to go with Sonic Chronicles' Big Arms remix. Never played the game, but... the remix is a mess. I don't even think it's by Sonic Team, but Sonic Chronicles is still a game that exists.
9. Favorite Official Art

There's so many, dudes, but I'm gonna choose this one bc I just... love Sonic and Knuckles... so much. The models and poses are still solid to this day. It really captured Uekawa's style.
10. Favorite Box/Cover Art

(Maybe I shouldn't have narrowed my answers down to one lmao) I'm going to have to choose Dreamcast's Sonic Adventure bc that particular art defined a generation. It's iconic.
11. Favorite Cutscene

The second to last scene of Sonic and the Black Knight, y'all. SatBK gave us EVERYTHING: a range of emotion that the voice cast could show off with, great writing, amazing artwork and action sequences, character depth, phenomenal music... EVERYTHING.
12. Favorite Voice Actor

If you don't say Jun'ichi Kanemaru, are you truly a Sonic fan? lmao!! I'm kidding. In all seriousness, Jun'ichi is Sonic. He's the best.
13. Favorite Villain

What's a villain? Is Shadow a villain? If so, I'd choose him. If not? Dr. Eggman. Without him, we wouldn't have most of the secondary villains. Dr. Eggman is the one that awakens them all haha
14. Favorite Badnik/Enemy

Metal Sonic. This robot was accidentally written with a complexity that we'll unfortunately never see the true potential of. Also, his design is slick.
15. Favorite Boss Fight

There hasn't been a boss fight that I can say plays the way I want it to, but Egg Beetle ticks all the right boxes. Consistent pacing, no nonsense, fun for new players, fun to master. It's a good boss.
I love Biolizard and Perfect Chaos, but I feel like I only like them for where they stand in the story and not so much their gameplay.
16. Favorite Character Theme Song

I realized that most of them I find super cheesy and can't honestly say I enjoy unironically, so I'll pick one I'm completely serious about. Say what you want about The Deadly Six, but their theme music has that delicious Sonic-esque swing.
17. Least Favorite Sonic Stage

All of Sonic and the Secret Rings. I will take Sonic Forces' boring-ass levels over that mess lol
18. Least Favorite Villain

Black Doom. There's a lot I can say about ShtH and very little of it is positive. My problem with Black Doom is that he kinda trashed all of the concepts established in Gerald's research to create the Ultimate Life Form.
19. Favorite TV Series

Sonic X (in Japanese) bc it has all the good Knuckles content a Knuckles fan could as for haha Seriously tho, ignoring the palling around with Chris, Sonic X has the closest portrayals to the characters' video game counterparts and I appreciate that.
20. Least Favorite TV Series

Sonic Underground. It's just a little too weird for me.
21. What do you want for the next Sonic game?

I want SEGA and Sonic Team to grab some passionate devs, push the risks they have during their development stage through to the end, and take their time for a genuinely solid game in not just the mechanics but in the story as well.
Don't cut corners, SEGA. Want to take care of your IP. Don't send out an unfinished or simplified game just to meet a strict deadline. Releasing a poor game doesn't do you or anyone else any good. In capitalist terms, it's a waste of money.
22. What species for the next Sonic character?

Not a hedgehog lol
23. Most Treasured Sonic Memory

This is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but beating Toxic Caves in Sonic Spinball for the first time and seeing the second stage for the first time. I remember every emotion I went through. It was a good day.
I always remember that moment, but if we're talking about something more... sentimental? I'd say my most treasured Sonic memory is finding my first Knuckles plush bc I didn't realize Sonic merchandise was a thing until late middle school haha
24. Favorite Male Fan Character

OH boy. Alright. This is my excuse to revisit this character bc I absolutely LOVE his design. He's an aesthetic. (Please retweet the original post and not this one if you wanna share it.) https://twitter.com/Nipsaysnipnip/status/1234754326741966849?s=20
25. Favorite Female Fan Character

My character lmaooooo Picking one that isn't Rocket tho, I'm going with Moucii's War. She's just so damn cool. https://twitter.com/DorkiMochi/status/1136140806165630976?s=20
26. Favorite Sonic the Hedgehog Design

Like, just Sonic? Or out of the whole cast? I'd still say Sonic himself. By extension, Uekawa's design. I love his early work and his new work. He knows how to capture Sonic's personality.
27. What character needs a redesign?

Well, they all have incredible designs. They function how they're supposed to: simple but eye-catching. If I had to pick one, probably Vanilla? Or maybe Knuckles' shoes could use a slight redesign? I don't really know.
28. What zone would you live in?

Angel Island Zone. I imagine it's beautiful there, the weather's probably great, and if Knuckles can get by on it, so can I haha
29. Sonic crossover would be cool with...

TMNT. I think that could be a lot of fun if it hasn't happened already.
30. The next Sonic game genre should be...

Preferably not a racer, otherwise it doesn't matter as long as it's got heart and it's SEGA/Sonic Team's best effort.
31. What Sonic merchandise do you have?

A lot of plushes, games, comics, some figurines, some blankets, shirts, bags... The usual.
32. Favorite Sonic Comic and Comic Artist

Ahh... I actually haven't read any Sonic comics outside of IDW and GOTF 💦 Favorite comic artists tho? Evan Stanley, Adam Bryce Thomas, and Kohane are particularly BIG inspirations of mine. I revisit their works often.
I'm a long-time Sonic gamer but I'm a n00b when it comes to Sonic comics. I was introduced to 'em LATE. Really late. I know very little about Archie Sonic and Fleetway Sonic. I've seen some neat pages over the years, but I haven't stopped to read through them all completely.
33. Favorite Full Game OST

Sonic and the Black Knight. It's a vibe.
34. Popular Sonic games you've never played...

Are the Advance games popular? I hear a lot of positive opinions about them, but I never got the chance to play them myself. I kinda want to.
35. Favorite Chao Type

KNUCKLES CHAOOO. You're cute no matter what that random forum poster said about you being the ugliest. In seriousness, I love the Light Chaos Chao. It's dope.
36. What character would you like to redesign?

Hmm,, I just wanna change Knuckles shoes a tad. That's it. I don't have remarkable design skills but when it comes to Knuckles, I think I can manage something.
37. What stage would you like to see again?

Hang Castle or Frog Forest, bruh. Roulette Road being a re-imagining of Casino Park blew my MIND (it's straight up the concept art) and it's just a KART RACING stage. Heroes has so many stages that could reach new heights in boost era.
38. Should Sonic games be more serious?

'Serious' can mean a number of things. 'Serious' is subjective. My 'serious' versus someone else's 'serious' could be two entirely different ideas. All Sonic games need is heart and time put into 'em.
39. The last Sonic music you listened to was...

System Screen: Name Entry. You ever have a piece of music that soothes you and gives you good vibes when you listen to it? That's this track for me.
40. The last Sonic game you played was...

Sonic Heroes. Come on, y'all. I'm predictable. What an anticlimactic end to this thread lol
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