Alright here we go! here is a list of Teesside artists we think are absolutely mint. Things aren’t easy at the moment for a lot of musicians with gigs being cancelled and stuff, so we wanna highlight as many sick acts as we can. You never know, you might discover a new favourite!
@dylancartlidge One of our favourite guys, his tunes are absolutely mint. Absolutely blowing up at the moment, but still the most humble guy, we see him at loads of gigs. We had something planned together for Big Weekend which we couldn’t do but we’ll make it happen one day ;)
Not around as much anymore but Chad and the guys took us out on our first ever tour and it was a ton of fun. Chad also has produced our last few singles and is an absolute wizard. Swim is still one of the best Teesside songs ever imo
MARKETPLACE are absolutely mint and are sound people. They’ve only got two tunes out atm and ones a demo, keep your eyes on these I promise you!!
Our Mark is a beast, bedroom pop produced by Summer Heart who is also an absolute goat. This guy is also blowing up, expect his rise to continue !!!
Probs our newest discovery. So fucking good. Sound people as well, always make an effort with everyone on the scene which we proper rate. Can honestly see these becoming absolutely huge. Give em a stream now.
Don’t really need to say much, they speak for themselves. Album was an absolute curveball to what everyone was expecting and have one of the best live shows in the country. Also Glen’s had to babysit David on a fair few occasions which we can only thank him for.
Disco kings of Teesside, seen them in various incarnations and their current is their ultimate form. Also Jamie used to teach David at Uni which is dead nice.
First bit of rap that’s made our list. Leddie is absolutely sick, have seen her numerous times. She’s recently released a single which bangs. Go check her out.
Deserve the award for nicest band in Teesside. Plus they have some absolute bangers and Teesside wouldn’t be the same without them! Moustival is an essential part of the Teesside calendar
Absolute beast post-punk from the Boro. Sound bunch, put on an absolute blinder at Sticky Fingers last time we saw them.
Jodie has one of the best voices we’ve ever heard. She’s dead nice as well. Been getting a lot of 6Music support recently and she deserves all the praise that’s heading her way for sure.
Hartlepools finest. Absolutely class, their new single Brother is a belter.
Only discovered these a few days ago but they’re absolutely wicked. Absolute vibes for days
Put out an incredible debut album this year. Sound guy, sound tunes.
Something in the water in Hartlepool quite obviously, played tons of shows with Michael and him and his band always put on a proper mint show. Big tunes.
Breath of fresh air these lot, and they all look dead nice when they play gigs in their dungarees. 10/10
One of the most interesting bands out there at the moment, their live show is incredibly intense. Highly recommend going to see them (when you’re allowed of course)
Aw Rick. Played our first ever headliner and he was so good, and he’s a lovely man who loves karaoke apparently.
Swears have the best music videos, that all link in with each other, nice guys as well and they’re always at gigs or putting on gigs which is sweet as.
Trav is sound, saw him do a blinder of a set at @heelapalooza one year. There was also wrestling involved that day. Mad.
I remember seeing Joe in bands when we were all about 18/19 and we were glad to see he’s continued with music coz his voice is mint. Has a single out now called The Hardest Part
Everyone in Teesside knows Cattle & Cane. They’ve sold out boro town hall man that is an absolute dream. Don’t think we’ve ever shared a bill but they’re supportive of Teesside bands which we rate.
We’ll always have a special bond coz we both got to do Big Weekend when it came to the Boro, Eve has a phenomenal voice and is very supportive and supported on Teesside <3
We first played with Tom the very first time we played The Georgian Theatre which has basically become our second home. Tom’s harmonies are so lovely man proper warms the heart
James makes hip hop and has a song called Tomato Soup that we like, we heard it when we were doing a BBC Tees session. Has weird taste in crisps tho. Here’s a photo from what looks like Mixtape. It’s a shame live music at mixtape has gone as well that was mint.
@mchelcg - Absolute enigma, one of a kind and has the best dress sense on Teesside. Listen to Hindsight is 2020 absolutely unreal
@komparrison - Here these two are the soundest people ever and I saw their first full band gig and they just keep lvling up time after time.
@iameyeconic - we first heard Sober Up when we were doing a BBC Tees session and thought it was class. Teesside’s hip hop/rap scene is not something we’re by any means experts in but its thriving and eyeconic is among the best
Formerly of Lost State of Dance, Dan is king of the keys i’ve never seen a guy play like him. Funny as fuck as well.
Nel Unlit have so much ambition, recently put out a Rock Opera which is well worth listening to imo. So many of them as well, i dunno how they all fit in venues.
@officialshakk - His track Friends was an absolute stand out track of last year, his lyrical prowess is something you need to get on and check out asap.
@salsolamusic - We love Salsola! Saw them at their Georgian headliner and they were fantastic. Their bassist is the happiest guy i’ve ever seen as well.
@wernotplaza - patiently awaiting their comeback. gave us our first boro gig, played glasto (redcar) with them and are probs the tightest band we’ve ever played with. on one of our fave labels as well @cluerecords
@wearegiraffes - Two piece from Hartlepool, latest track She is well worth a stream or 10
@Benefitstheband - social commentary at its best
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