A Thread✨
Success is relative but at the end of the day it is about achieving a goal and it starts with your mindset. These are the things you need to condition yourself to have

Ambition helps you aim past the bare minimum. When you lack ambition you only aim to survive and survival is not success

Courage goes hand in hand with ambition because after gaining ambition you will need courage to execute your goals regardless of fear of failure
Commitment is something that shows you really want success. This is how you measure the amount of effort you’re willing to give to your cause

Willpower is ability to stay solely focused on your success while blocking out things that will be a hindrance or derail your success
Integrity is something you need to have not just for yourself but for others. This will help you grow honest relationships with people and people are a integral part of success
Drive is one of the easiest ways people end up failing because their motivation to keep pushing starts to falter after a few fails. That is why it is key to do something you love because that way the drive will always return
Patience is something that too many people fail to apply. Each persons success happens at a different time so why struggle to keep up with someone else and give up when they win and you don’t. Your success is right around the corner.
Optimism is not something that needs to be exclusive from realism. You are more than capable of achieving your goals and a positive mindset is necessary to get you feeling right about your success
Resilience is the one thing that ties this all together. The fact of the matter is you are going to fail, but that is irrelevant. Why is important though is how you handle failure. Do you lay down or do you get up and try again

Which of these things you already apply? The End
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