Black women,

The white man ain't gonna willingly give u a seat at the table.

You gonna have to show up uninvited & unannounced & disrupt the status quo.

You can no longer wait!
Bring in your own chairs, paperwork, roadmaps & some moisturizers!

Hell bring a new goddam table!
The blood, tears & sweat of your ancestors who built this country demand it!
You have earned it!
You are qualified.
You can do it!
Yes you can!
The white man's standards for you are wicked & perverted!
He welcomes your labor & endeavors for his personal elevation though.
But God forbid you are ambitious!
Oh hell no!
Dont push it!
Stay in your place!
Stay in the back of the bus!
You have been patient for centuries.
Where did that get you?
You gonna have to make your standards!
Chile, create a new room where that meeting is going to take place!
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