Alot of radical Black Americans are being accused of speaking over Africans in their critique of Black is King

And this is foul. This is a good example of weaponizing identity politics to push one's lackluster ideologies as legitimate.
When I said Africans were going to be happy with Black is King because it has some of the most humanizing and rich representation some of you said I lack nuance and thus critique is met with violence, a few of you said I lack nuance

Look at the people attempting to drag No Name
The continent is just so damn huge. There are so many of us with varying politics

But the truth is that many of us are used to seeing ourselves portrayed disgustingly For American and European audiences

Black is King, like Wakanda is a major major upgrade
So I get it

I understand. Black is King and Wakanda have resulted in the increase of our social currency. I'm not exaggerating.

The problem is when ppl are so desperate for representation that isn't dehumanizing, they'll lash out at critique.
But to brand No name as some flimsy person for rightfully commenting about how Beyonce and Black Americans engage with the continent without addressing tmaterial needs and political fights is unfair!!!!

She's not talking over Africans she's asking her ppl to engage us ethically
No Name is not satisfied with bare minimum visual representation without someone like Beyonce with so much economic and political capital engaging with the continent in a.more ethical way

And neither shld WE! And the fact that we are and are piling onto No Name is embarrassing
This is why Angela Davis calls for Black radical unity

Im not saying Blk Americans can't be for soldiers of imperialism, they can.

Im saying that the appropriate demarcation in this convo is between those grateful for any engagement &those who are radical and want liberation
The convo is separated on the basis of ideology and politics and not necessarily location!

All of us are Black, but some of us despite location are moderate and simply want to enjoy Beyonce's work without any political thought attached

Others are NOT!
So stop overlooking Africans who are radicals, to frame a narrative about radical Black Americans

It's disengenuous! No Name isn't speaking over us!

And she more than most understands how Blackness can we utilized for capitalistic and imperialist gains!
(The Africans we make digital contact with are some of the most privileged people on the continent.

So do with that what you will. We often aren't a comprehensive representation of the continent)
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