— questions for your phone to look through : a thread
** for this i will also be participating so feel free to use my answers as examples
— also pardon : i lowkey realized most of these questions fit for iphones and i just realized that ));
1 : what type of phone do you have? how long have you had it for?

— example : i’ve had my iphone xr for about 1 year and 2 months
2 : what’s your lock and home screen?

— example : i made these myself lmaoo
3 : how do you organize your phone? it’s recommended that you screen record in order to visualize in the best way possible !!

— example : my wallpaper fits 4
4 : how much storage do you have? how much storage have you filled up? what’s your biggest app?

— example : i have 64 gb, and usually my top used apps are photos and tik tok (i use google photos so i delete photos pretty often). i don’t know why snap is there.
5 : what is your screentime for the week, what’s your most used app?

— example : i use it too long and my average is supposed to be longer but to say the least, twitter makes up all of my screentime.
6 : how many photos do you have in you recents? recently deleted?

— example : i have 207 photos and nothing in my recently deleted
7 : share your first photo, the most recent photo, and last meme on your phone!

— example : first pic (june 2019 lmao), recent pic (edited that two days ago), and meme (from annika?)
8 : do you organize your contacts? how if so?

— example : chart is below (✨ is actually close moots oops)
9 : expose your recent messages log? explain the context of your second one (if it’s too personal chose the next one down)

— example : it’s shi hang and myself playing cup pong at 1 am even if i apparently forgot to reply oops.
10 : expose your call log (don’t expose the numbers please unless it’s like apple service, etc lmaoo)

— example: i’ve missed way more than it looks
11 : expose your ft log and explain your most recent ft!

— example : it was w @sofaxsoph lmaoo and we talked about blanks
12 : how many contacts do you have?

— example : i deleted a few from time to time but yeah
13 : any voicemails as of right now?
14 : expose your calendar ( if you use that or a countdown app )

— example : i have nothing really and i don’t want to put school stuff yet lmaoo
15 : do you use spotify or apple music? expose your playlists

— example : i use spotify and here’s 42 ish out of 45 playlists
16 : (if you feel comfortable) expose one part of your notes page

— example : my passwords and contacts
17 : cover up your location but expose your weather app (if you actually kept it)

— example : lmaoo it’s actually cool on tuesday ((:
18 : expose your safari history

— example : the ones below we don’t discuss of
19 : expose your emails (cover up the random ones)
20 : (iphone users i think for pt one of it) expose your battery capacity and current charge

21 : drop how many unopened messages you have rn?

— example : my phone is dry✨✨
22 : drop how many notifs your most notified app has

— example : i’m to lazy to open snaps 👎👎
23 : drop how many notifs your phone has in a week

— example : it should be at 1.5k bc that was taken beginning of saturday
24: drop four pictures of the people that make you happy

— example : i have way more but i miss these moments
25 : what tabs are open for you rn?

— example : yes
26 : how many games do you have on your phone?

— example : one game ✨
27 : drop your editing apps you use

— example : i use snow mostly but yeah
28 : expose the thing when you swipe up on the home screen where you can search

— example : why is health there uhm ok
29 : expose whatever this is called

— example : i probably would’ve had music playing if it wasn’t 1 am
30 : expose your times you have in the clocks app

— example: don’t ask why kathmandu, it’s to see when i can call family lmaoo
31 : drop all your alarms (even from different apps)

— example : i have one for fitbit too but i got logged out
32 : have you gone to any concerts w your current phone and have concert pics? drop one

— example : yes, bea miller (and maybe 5sos)
33 : do you have any apps that need to be updated?

— example : no
34 : drop picture of the last place you went to that isn’t your house or backyard

— example : this was yesterday (:
35 : how long do you use your phone before it dies

— example : varies but like six hours of screentime
36 : how long does your phone take to charge?

— example : w a huge head i use, unders two hours
37 : drop a picture of the landscape / view

— example ; from my bed
38 : drop your last edited photos
39 : what time are you on your phone at the lastest?

— example : 1:30 am
40 : name your most useless apps

— example : wallet bc i cant add my card and health
41 : what percentage is your phone on now?

— example : 56 percent
42 : tag 1 mutuals and tell them you love __ and (blank) ; complete it w predicted words

— example : i love @rjbroses and my favorite song is the best song ever
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end of thread

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this is my first thread, but thank you so so much !!
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