Getting my stuff together and heading to the rendezvous point. Watch this thread for updates.

Here's another group that's joining us:

@IndivisEurekaSp @OZRKIndivisible @JoshuaPotash @BeauTFC @KillerMartinis Please share.
Gathering at the Harrison PD.
Very positive crowd. Several protesters are armed.
Descending on Zinc, Arkansas we're immediately met with opposition armed with a garden hoe and yelling racist and homophobic slurs. The situation is deescalated.
Getting warmed up now.
A few traitor flags and trump flags roll through. They're essentially the same thing at this point.
Oh no they're lighting the fire station on fire! Wait, false alarm. Just cooking some hot dogs.
Armed militia group on the railroad tracks behind us. I saw at least 4 separate militia groups. Most were very peaceful and cooperative. Just keeping an eye on their town. I get it.
These guys seemed random but apparently they were recognized by some of the protesters as usual suspects at far right gatherings. The one in the full mask is called out by name. Jay. Apparently he likes sandwiches.
A tense moment as armed militia block the only exit while the main protest goes on behind us. (Yes, Quinn brought a flamethrower)
No comment needed.
Some militia guys confronting an apparent bad actor and giving me a heads up to keep an eye on them.
Watch the dude in the MAGA hat pout and walk away.
These are some real soldiers.
I'm home and safe. It's not lost on me that I have that privilege.
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