I have ADD and i have been told so many times that “you don’t need accommodations” because i don’t have ADHD which is “distracting” to other students. i experience the same things as kids with ADHD except i’m not hyper, mines is all internal. but i wasn’t given help. https://twitter.com/bugsbiandjh/status/1289473754461024257
My counselors and @CollegeBoard told me that i didn’t need accommodations even tho i had a doctor’s and therapist’s diagnosis of ADD. luckily due to online testing i was able to make those accommodations myself but i shouldn’t have to. Kids with AD(H)D are seen as the “hyper kid-
or “the kids who won’t pay attention” but it’s because we’ve been told that we are just “bad test takers” or “you just need to focus” when in reality it is so much more then not being able to focus. it is spacing out in the middle of a conversation. it is constant anxiety about-
wondering if your friends like you or they hate you. it’s being particular about your schedule and not wanting to mess it up. it’s about being a “perfectionist” and having to do things right or everyone will hate you. it is so much more then being hyper and we need more awareness
and most importantly, it’s not ~quirky~ to say you have AD(H)D. it’s a really thing that a lot of people struggle with that can go undiagnosed for a long time. my mom wasn’t diagnosed until this year and she’s in here late 40s. my add is so bad that i physically can’t make-
myself sleep at night. i struggle to do basic tasks because i can’t remember what i needed to do or i go from task to task until i go into sensory overload. even when i worked at starbucks my manager (who has add) told all my supervisors that they needed to keep an eye on me-
because i never finished tasks and i was doing everything at once. but my supervisors had to remind her that i have add and that it’s normal for me to do that and i was at least helping and doing my job. when i tell people i have add they say “but your not hyper” or “stop lying”-
because they think i’m faking it to get attention. i wish i didn’t have add. i hate it and it makes my life so much harder. i can potentially not go into my career field because of it bc it’s seen as a “disability” in the medical field. i am in no way saying that people with-
severe disabilities are the same as me at all. everyone has their own struggles and no one should be discriminated for something they can’t change. so i hope this thread shows that AD(H)D is NOT quirky or relatable. it’s a real struggle people deal with. try and be respectful
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