Since Rio in 1992, the UN through the device if the IPCC and "climate change" has been pushing for "contract and converge."

This is the idea that, to save the planet, developed nations need to contract their economies to converge with the 3rd world.

Except.... 1/
...people in the developed world HATE "contract" policies, for good reason. Restricting air travel, restricting car travel, shrinking the jobs market are not exactly vote-winners.

Now. Along comes COVID-19. And all the developed countries, almost as one, are doing what?... 2/
...Restricting air travel, restricting car travel, shrinking jobs markets. Basically, bombing their economies back to the 3rd world.

For a flu? That doesn't make sense.

What we have here is globalists seizing an opportunity to implement Converge & Contract by the back door 3/
This is something that they've failed to make any progress on in 30 years of conferences and big declarations. Because nobody in their right mind votes for suicide.

But scare everyone witless with a big "pandemic" and suddenly, people become a lot more docile and pliable ... 4/
So at the height of the pandemic, we hear nonsense about "nature healing", air quality "improving", and how we mustn't lose the "gains" of lockdown. Of a "new normal". Then city centres become choked overnight with "cycle lanes", to stop the bad cars coming back. 5/
If you're wondering why governments in the West are happily driving their economies over a cliff, the answer goes back to Rio 1992; Converge & Contract

Covid19 is a cipher to implement a fantasy of your new green nirvana. Something none of us have, or ever would vote for. Enjoy.
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