i'm fucking tired everywhere on the bird app i see people getting discriminated left and right, none of our problems get solved by attacking people’s sexualities or gender
thanks for reminding me why i took my hiatus stan twitter you make my head hurt
i'm fuming why can't this community just support each other instead of policing each other on which identities don't exist
why is it every time a solidarity post is made the replies are filled with discrimination
we need to stick together or we will become as bad as our opressors (we probably already have lmao)
it IS possible to talk about problems within the community without disrespecting each others identities and simultaneously showing each other solidarity because we are a community that was built by people who risked their lives to get us where we are today
it is however not ever justified if you attack someone for the way they identify just because you are in disagreement, you can be angry at someone without being a bigotted piece of shit
don’t confuse this thread with saying that bi/pan lesbians are real they are not a part of this conversation bc it isn’t a real identity and invalidates both lesbians and bi/pan ppl
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