america is haunted by the inability to recognize, let alone reckon with, the incontrovertible fact that the relatively-broad prosperity of 1948-1973 was in fact a historical aberration and no set of economic or social policies will ever bring it back
this unique period becomes the benchmark for normative social structure, gender roles, household composition, cultural production, industrial relations, & even what liberatory social movements are supposed to look like even tho this era was vanishingly small in US/world history
each of those structures had a material base that simply can’t/won’t return: US capitalist hegemony and global rates of profit necessary to sustain that entire social world. arguing for a return to, say, the single-breadwinner family today cannot be anything but cynical moralism
ok of course i have to include this shameless plug.. but anything more i could post about this @cushbomb and i have already said more eloquently here
ugh didn’t mean to post the preview, the whole ep is unlocked 
now that neoliberals and chuds are finding this thread the cope cycle can begin
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