People who deny objective morality and insist it’s either personally or culturally relative are forced to brush off this and all kinds of abject evil. Moral relativism doesn’t allow for moral judgments. This is why worldview matters.
Once you acknowledge something like this is evil—no matter where it happens or why—you’ve accepted at least one objective, universal standard of right and wrong. Your next question to explore is, “Who gets to determine what that universal standard is & why?”
Can’t have a standard without a standard bearer. Can’t have a universal moral law without a universal moral law giver. Answering “why are some things universally wrong?” with “just because” doesn’t cut it. WHY are some things always wrong and who says?
The materialist worldview doesn’t account for these questions, because it deals only with material facts. But not all facts are material. Some facts—like the one that says what this video describes is evil—are moral. But where do we get this idea of a moral fact?
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