The difference between real vs reel:

A thread:

Pay attention folks
You can like the character and the actor both which means I love Xander and I think PT is charming, funny, and love that he interacts with his fans.

And just because here’s a gif of a shirtless Xander/PT
You can hate the character but love the actor.

For example I despise Sonny but I think MB is a talented and love how he does so much to bring attention to mental illness.
You can love the character but think the actor is a piece of shit.

Jax need I say more? I love Jax always have but IR is MAGA trash!
You can also hate both and they have nothing to do with the other.

For example I find Chad to be annoying, hypocritical and not a DiMera at all.

BF’s little tantrum and blocking me for asking why KM wasn’t at DD well, you get it.

I don’t hate Chad because of BF tho.
Then these actors who I don’t give a fudge about as much as I don’t care about their character with equal measure.

Psst Maggie (I’m only offended when she cries).
You should not be asking yourself how can I like Gabi again, because I think Camila is a racist/MAGA.

You should be able as a grown adult to say okay Jane, Gabi is a fictional character and Camila posted vague comments that may or may not have meant she’s a MAGA.
You should not get mad at others for saying a dress sucks and accuse people of dragging the actress:

Here’s an example of one my fave in some damn ugly dresses. And I’m not even mad if you agree they ugly.
It is not however okay to @ the actor to let them know how ugly or ridiculous they look in that hideous dress that the show decided was okay to put them in. Trust me they got eyes they know what looks bad.
It is not okay to @ someone to call them names because you think their character on a show is trash.
It is okay however to @ an actor for mocking a whole cast being released from their contracts and for making jokes about wanting to be paired with a younger cast mate who has been victimized by older cast mates before (shout out Doug Davidson you might be the biggest asshole)
It is okay to @ an actor who finds untagged tweets about themselves and decides to tell people they are going to break their fingers and have a nap and drink some milk.
If someone is talking about your fave untagged guess what it’s their timeline and it’s okay. It’s not your place to act like they done bitch slapped your mama and stolen your puppy.

Repeat after me. Me and (insert your faves name here).
If someone is talking about your fave don’t be a bitch and snitch tag or DM the actor. They don’t care Mary Sue thinks they can’t act.
Don’t make up stories on actors because you don’t like their character. No one is going to believe (insert actor) kicked your dog at the beach when we all know you hate their character.
If your fave shakes their ass on a pole then okay they shook their ass on a pole. People will talk. We are just people talking and gossiping. We all do it. Unless they @ them move on. We all do it did you hear about Carol Anne, she shook her ass on a pole last Friday night.
Just because someone mentions someone shaking their ass on a pole doesn’t mean they hate them or are jealous.

We just talking she shook her ass on a pole.
Lastly, because MAGA Missy showed her true colors doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy Jack and Jennifer and do not blame Matt for what MAGA Missy did.

Aka shipping Jack and Jennifer doesn’t mean one is racist. They just are gonna enjoy their ship and know MAGA Missy exist.
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