Trans-exclusionary ‘radical’ feminist

(It’s a throwback to 1970’s feminism so it’s not exactly ‘radical’)

It means ‘we don’t think trans women are women’

& it’s the most extreme form of a school of thought that starts with the premise ‘misogyny is the root of all oppression’
From ‘misogyny is the root of oppression’ you get
- ‘all oppression is based on genital arrangement’
- ‘all men (ppl assigned male at birth (amab)) oppress all women (ppl assigned female at birth (afab)) equally’
- ‘heterosexual sex is inherently abusive of the afab participant’
TERF bs continued:
- ‘amab ppl demand constant sexual access to afab ppl’
- ‘amab ppl will do anything for sexual access to those who reject them, such as lesbians - including gender transition’
-‘so trans women are actually predatory men trying to gain sexual access to lesbians’
& because all of this is predicated on:

A)gender essentialism (amab ppl are always men, afab ppl are always women) &
B)a gender binary (there are only cis men and cis women; all other genders are lies)

TERFs put a *lot* of energy into undermining the LGBTQIAPN+ movement
the LGBTQIAPN+ community as a whole is full of people who disprove ‘radical’ feminism’s gender-essentialist, gender-binary dependent worldview, & TERFs dwell in/recruit from radical feminist circles.

NOTE: radfems & TERFs call themselves ‘gender critical’ feminists these days.
‘Gender critical’ (GC) is a dogwhistle.

It SOUNDS like ‘I’m critical of the social concept of gender roles & the gender binary’

It ACTUALLY means ‘gender doesn’t exist, & therefore the only ‘gender’ that counts is your biological sex (ie sex assigned at birth)’
So: ‘gender critical’ = gender ESSENTIALISM in disguise.

If someone says they are a ‘GC feminist’, they are saying ‘I am a gender essentialist who believes Trans and nonbinary genders are fake.’
At BEST, GC feminists think nb & trans ppl are deceiving themselves.

At worst, they are straight-up TERFs & think nb & trans ppl are malicious liars trying to fck thing up for cis women.

& that’s nonintersectional radical feminist—>TERF rhetoric 101 for you
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