Woke up to a goddamn eureka moment regarding the online left, but I gotta set it up a bit so bear with me. First let’s talk about masking. Masking is when autistics try to pretend to be non-autistic. Masking is not healthy for us—it is something we do out of desperation... 1/
...to avoid persecution. We surpress our needs, our wants, and who we are. With me so far? Great! Okay now let’s talk about mirroring. Mirroring is a masking technique that some (not all) autistics use. Basically, we adopt the mannerisms, style of speaking, and... 2/
...even the attitudes of whoever we’re speaking with. I fucking hate mirroring and refuse to do it unless I’m scared and desperate. It involves sacrificing everything I am to appeal to someone else. One cannot be a good mirror if you have any inner light of your own... 3/
When I mirror, sometimes I feel like I’m starting to lose sight of who I am. It’s an awful feeling, and I find myself constantly being drawn further and further into the person I’m mirroring... 4/
The main strategy of many on the online left has been to MIRROR the Alt Right Pipeline. The pipeline is so successful and influential, we must surely adopt what they’re doing in order to fight back...right? Well, the alt-right has... 5/
...billionaire funding and we *checks notes* do not. The alt right doesn’t have to care about the people within it and we *checks notes again* do... right? I mean in theory it’s the foundation of leftism—to care about people. But I, like many other marginalized people... 6/
...in leftist spheres, have been feeling the noose slowly tighten around our necks for months (or even a year) now. While not great to begin with, the online left has become more hostile to marginalized people, and we’re being driven out of many spaces by hate and bigotry... 7/
This is the problem with mirroring, you start to lose yourself, and begin to resemble that which you’re mirroring. In this case, the online left is mirroring the alt-right, and thus we are becoming more and more alt-right. 8/
Many marginalized creators and audience members have been leaving online leftist spaces—not to mention the massive numbers of maeginalized comrades who have never wanted anything to do with Breadtube in the first place. So many of you bemoan Breadtube being... 9/
...too white and abled. It’s not that there are simply no marginalized comrades—it’s just that Breadtube and leftist Twitch have a reputation for being a bunch of white supremacist eugenicist bigots, so nobody wants anything to do with you. This is what happens when you... 10/
...mirror bigots! You start acting like bigots and then everyone thinks you’re a bigot! The fact that Breadtube and leftist Twitch were surprised by one of the biggest leftist uprisings in American history is plenty proof of that. 11/
In addition to being an autistic self-preservation tactic, mirroring is also a sleazy sales technique. I wonder WHY mirroring is at the center of the praxis of leftist creators making hella money in donos. I wonder WHY... 12/
...the central praxis of the online left revolves around selling “leftism” to right wingers like a fucking commodity. After all, right wingers as a target demographic are a lot more lucrative than broke leftists. Not only are we being infiltrated by fascists and bigots... 13/
...but we’re being infiltrated by capitalist bullshit! I don’t care about leftists trying to keep the lights on, I just think it’s telling how many leftist creators are making bank by throwing marginalized people under the bus to appeal to bigots... 14/
...Breadtube and leftist Twitch is a joke, and I’ll be focusing my efforts on other leftist marginalized spaces online. I’ll be doing another thread later on what I think the online left *should* be doing, but for now, stop mirroring bigots and cultivate your own light. 15/15
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