this, but also pls don't shame people who do smoke them. shame is seriously counter productive when it comes to dealing w addiction
i see so many ppl in these replies saying that ppl who smoke are gross, smell awful, have disgusting teeth, and that they wouldn't date them... fr, what the fuck lol
good for u that u were brought up in such a way that u didn't get into smoking at a young age. not all of us had that privilege
i was seriously anti cigarettes as a kid. like, vocally so. but there's only so much u can do when you're surrounded by smokers who cope by smoking.
smokers know that smoking is bad. they know it's dangerous. but it's a psychological coping mechanism that many people are okay risking their lives for. why? what kind of stress is that person dealing with right now? it's really not as simple as saying "smoking bad and gross"
as someone just said in the replies: it's easier to blame the addicts than the people really at fault... the tobacco companies. how is it ok that they're still permitted to sell tobacco? stop blaming smokers. blame the tobacco business
i'm currently trying to replace tobacco w/ raspberry leaves and CBD. it's difficult. yeah, i don't know how to explain *why* i sometimes really crave the harsh hit of a morning cigarette on the back of my throat. imo, it's a form of self-harm.
if we do consider it to be a form of self-harm... then people telling smokers they're gross & disgusting sounds kinda fucking awful, doesn't it?
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