Thread on slave revolts and responses throughout Bermuda's history –

Don't ever let them tell you slavery in Bermuda was benign, don't let them tell you we never fought back, don't let them convince you we were meant to live & die under colonial rule. Notice the patterns.
1616– First Africans recorded at Bermuda. A person of African descent and a native American from the West Indies, imported to dive for pearls.

Bermuda becomes first British Colony in the New World to embrace slavery - three years before colony at Jamestown, Virginia.
1656– An aborted slave conspiracy resulted in all free blacks being banished from Bermuda.

1661– An aborted slave conspiracy (along with Irish indentured servants) resulted in punishments, a nightly watch being maintained, and more banishments from the island.
1664– Governor proclaims all able-bodied free Negroes to leave the islands immediately or return to slavery.

1673– A slave conspiracy is put down. Conspirators were branded with the letter “R” for rogue, noses slit and whipped prior to execution. Others branded and whipped.
1675– Black population controls implemented amid increasing concerns that an increasing black population posed a security threat. Governor Sir John Hayden
bans importation of new enslaved Africans to Bermuda.

1682– Slave conspiracy involving 5 males is uncovered and put down.
1700s– saw at least ten recorded conspiracies, two being considered “major violent conspiratorial events".

1705– Following a period of unrest, *all* free Negroes, mulattoes, and Indians were forced to leave the island.
1718– A slave conspiracy is feared due to “Negroe men... grown soe very impudent and insulting of late that we have reason to suspect their riseing.”

Multiple slave conspiracies known as “the poisoning plots” begin, ending in 1730 with the burning of Sally Bassett at the stake.
1728– Act passed to prevent persons allowing and encouraging any Negroes or slaves from rioting and meeting at unreasonable times.

Note: Many laws passed like this from as early as 1623 but I am focusing on direct responses to slave revolts & attempts to prevent them
1730– Slaves attempt mass revolt while regular British Army garrison is absent (they had been sent to the Bahamas to deal with pirates.)

Multiple slaves had planned to poison their masters, (known as the poisoning plots), culminating in Sally Bassett being burnt at the stake.
1730– Act to extirpate ("destroy or remove") all free Negroes, Indians & Mulattoes. All freed slaves to leave Bermuda or be sold into slavery.

Act protecting slave owners from death or loss of property if they killed a slave.
Still 1730– In attempt to ctrl Black population, tax levy (duty) implemented on all imported Blacks to the island except those directly from Africa. Population - 8,774: 5,086 white & 3,688 black.
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