The host country’s *own awards* got buried & then un-named during the Hugos. This is a disgrace. If we are going to call it a World Con, it cannot be run like a private rolling party where the core homogeneity year-after-year club sits in first class yelling “get off my lawn.”
Boosting @tadethompson’s point here:
And it is important to remember *this wasn’t just the ceremonies*
This was a choice, made, yes, during a really tough time but you took people’s money and time to do it.
It took outside action to get even finalists who were BIPOC on panels. It took outcry after *recorded* micro and macroaggressive statements and “can’t you take a” joke jokes for the palest of statements indicating some semblance of performative regret.
And the pushback is NOT “how can we do better. How can we fix our society. How can we celebrate the future of the industry as well as the past?” It’s: how dare you.
Again and again and again.

We write futures and worlds where we hold a mirror up to reality. And yet we cannot bear to look at ourselves in it unless it shows us what we want to see.

To hell with that.
Worldcon didn’t go to New Zealand. It went to Middle Earth, with all the problems therein, and it didn’t accept help pulling its head out of the past, it decided everyone “else” was difficult and problematic, and then it tumbled off toward some fantastical shire.
The people - hard working, hard dreaming people - who trusted Worldcon when it said it was going to do better - deserve better than some imaginary fantasy that fails to engage the world as it is and has always been.
If you can memorize all the family trees of every big fat fantasy, or quiz people on comics esoterica until they get one wrong, or pound your chest demanding people treat geeks & nerds with respect? You can damn well get people’s names + pronouns correct.
(The memberships are spoken for! Thanks everyone!)
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