Wallpaper thread!!
Hi! I'm Naima and I've been making wallpapers for a while! I've decided to do this sort of ordering (?) thing for wallpapers!🥳 This thread has all you need to know about the wallpapers I make, and how to get one!
First, the ✨ criteria ✨
- We must be moots! I don't like dming people that aren't moots.
- If your profile is mostly NSFW, don't bother!!
- My profile must be OPEN! You must check my location before dming!
Second, other things to keep in mind!!
- making wallpapers isn't the only thing I do in life! Pls keep that in mind as sometimes I might not answer dms right away!
- The wallpaper I give to you might not always be the first try!
- I will be taking a maximum of 8 orders at once!+
- Redistribution WILL NOT be tolerated!! Please don't share the wallpaper with anyone, don't upload it. If you would like to upload it, ASK ME FIRST!!! If you want to share it with a friend, ASK ME FIRST!!
Lastly, how to order🥳
1. DM me this thread!
2. Let me know which idol (s)/ groups you would like! Please send a picture of them, so I know what they look like, cuz idk all the artists out there
3. Any special requests go here! For example, if you want the wallpaper
to be for a specific user, pls lmk!!!
4. Pls tell me what colour/ theme you would like! Some examples are: blue, vintage
5. I'll let you know your number in line! Pls be patient!!!
6. When I've finished, I'll DM you the final product!
You can follow @qtyuto.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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