I feel like I'm over the salty phase and now I'm thinking pretty rationally. I saw someone from cabang kimbab (i dont wanna add more problem to that word so im gonna use this to describe them, credit to @kaktuskun for the creative word😂) explaining the reason politely(?)
And I do understand, really, it's about the culture difference and misunderstanding on both part I think. What we want is to interact with j, because talking 1:1 like that is very hard for us as we doesn't have fanmeeting being held often here. Meet & greet is also rare.
The only time we can maybe communicate with them is on concerts, livestreams, comments. So maybe we come of as selfish for wanting to do this, but really, it feels like a ray of light has shine upon us.
Meanwhile cabang kimbab think that it's worrying to do this 1:1 livestream, because if smt happened to j then he's the one who will be hold accountable. And antis can get more reasons to bash on him, even if the one who's at fault is the fans as the live host j need to-
Take responsibility on it and medias can get wild too and twist things. From what I read from a kind cabang kimbab, this are very reasonable and logic argument. And seeing from j's replies to such thoughts, he himself doesn't understand the weight of such problems.
That reason was very reasonable but ofc there's cabang kimbabs who is just jealous of the whole thing. Like for example I heard someone say the amount of the cabang kimbabs who got chosen is too few compared to us.
And that's just, huh. You do know this whole thing is about luck, right? J randomly choose the people, though maybe he can guess from the usernames, there is a possibility that the one who have cabang kimbabs language as their username is not from that country.
So really, that's just your jealousy showing. As for the showing face, I joined a lil late but most of us either cover half of our face or just show 1/4 of our face. And I would like to think that the person who show their face is mature enough to think about the consequences.
Because I think most of the chosen one are adult anyway. There's one girl who's a minor but she doesn't show her face so it should be fine. So I don't really see the problem of showing face, if you know better then enlighten me pls.
We're talking as if we're putting all cabang kimbabs on one box and it's wrong ofc especially when yesterday a few cabang kimbabs were chosen to talk with j too, and all of them are really sweet. Let's just call this one a truce, shall we?
I know it's upsetting, I've gone through that phase just a few hours ago, but I think it's for the better. And let's learn to look from both sides, just like how j did. Let's wait patiently until j got an idea to do smt that is safe for all of us, or maybe give him ideas for it!
I'm sorry this thread is kind of a mess but welp that's my opinion anyway, you're free to agree or disagree with it! I don't know how to end this and I doubt anyone read this but I just want to say thank u if u read till the end haha
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