soonwoo fansign post-it archive🐹🐱
190418 #soonwoo

Q: what is jeon wonwoo to hoshi?
1. best friend ✔
2. opponent
3. cutie
4. other

hoshi: 1. best friend

cr. gongon_ggon
171210 #soonwoo

Q: when do you think 'oh that’s cute' of soonyoung?
wonwoo: always? kkk

cr. zamongsoon
191105 #soonwoo

Q: among 96z who takes care of hoshi the most?
hoshi: wonwoo ✔ none ✔

at first hoshi checked none but wonwoo peeked at his answer and hoshi saw him so he checked wonwoo as well 😂

cr. newosoo__
190202 #soonwoo

Q: please tell which part of kwon soonyoung you think is cute~
wonwoo: personality?

cr. 10h__10m
190215 #soonwoo

Q: please draw an animal that can express wonwoo/hoshi (each other)

cr. SundayMorning
180721 #soonwoo

Q: wonwoo please draw an animal that represents hoshi
wonwoo: *little tiger*

wonwoo said he thought hoshi is cute so he drew the little tiger’s body very cute

cr. 全圆佑家的小肥仓
190927 #soonwoo

Q: if there’s zombie in the world what kind of weapon and which 2 members would you choose as a team
hoshi: s.coups✔ wonwoo✔

cr. gyuracula
190424 #soonwoo

Q: if you have to choose one person among 96z, who would you bring to your hometown?
wonwoo: hoshi!

cr. svt_881122
191119 #soonwoo

Q: which member you comfortable to be together with?
hoshi: wonwoo✔

cr. stopkim95
170108 #soonwoo

Q: among 96z which member you most comfortable with?
wonwoo: hoshi underling!

cr. ongdaXD
+ note: wonwoo called hoshi underling / someone that lower (in level) than him and even used to saved hoshi’s contact with that😂
190922 #soonwoo

Q: what is your favorite part in snap shoot choreo?
hoshi: so far~ so far~

cr. 9reatlovefor
190924 #soonwoo

Q: what kind of concept if soonyoung and wonwoo will make a unit?
1. cutie✔
2. sexy
3. ballad
4. other

hoshi: cutie

cr. ish0714
190925 #soonwoo

Q: where do you want to go if you have a chance to go on trip together with wonwoo?
1. seeing flowers
2. beach
3. amusement park ✔
4. watching snow/snow fight

hoshi thinks wonwoo is like a kid and will be happy to go there 😂

cr. 甜糖少女上線
191119 #soonwoo

Q: wonwoo thinks hoshi is
1. little prince
2. tiger
3. hamster
4. like a kid ✔
5. all of the above

cr. Naaomii
191119 #soonwoo

Q: hoshi wish wonwoo would do this
1. lessen playing game
2. eat a lot and gain weight
3. exercise a lot
4. go out with members a lot
5. you don’t need to change anything just keep it like now ✔

cr. Naaomii
180304 #soonwoo

Q: in news ade interview you said you want to go on trip with wonwoo, where do you want to go?
hoshi: anywhere?!

cr. hsmgms673
190927 #soonwoo

Q: in news ade interview you want to go on trip with wonwoo, if you have the time where do you want to go tgt?
1. UK
2. Karta(?)
3. Hokkaido
4. Swiss
5. Other✔

hoshi chose other cus he thinks there are a lot of places he wants to visit with wonwoo

cr. Misshx
170721 #soonwoo

Q: does hoshi like wonwoo? does wonwoo like hoshi? which part that hoshi/wonwoo likes about you?

hoshi: wonwoo likes me. (he likes) everything (about me)
wonwoo: soonyoung➡wonwoo wonwoo✖soonyoung. soonyoungie is a fool

cr. aoiomoide
190424 #soonwoo

Q: Is there any hoshi’s cute incident that only wonwoo knows?
wonwoo: there’s none

wonwoo said hoshi is always cute so there’s none that just him knows 😂

cr. xQEdat1WgTmOg9i
190424 #soonwoo

Q: what do you think whenever you see hoshi goes crazy at concert?
1. funny
2. cute
3. i want to join
4. other ✔

wonwoo said he feels embarrassed 😂

cr. mobouzi0401
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